Are Your Affections Christlike or Self-like?

Are your affections Christlike instead of self-like? Embrace grace and cultivate a heart that reflects Jesus in your daily life.

Our affections reveal where our hearts truly lie. They guide our thoughts, decisions, and priorities, shaping how we interact with God, others, and ourselves.

Are your affections Christlike—centered on love, humility, and selflessness?

Or are they selflike—rooted in personal desires, pride, or comfort?

Exploring where our affections lead can help us grow in faith and reflect Jesus more fully.

Let’s examine how to cultivate affections that align with God’s heart, bringing grace and purpose into every aspect of our journey.

Colossians 3:2 is from the FREE Renew Me Bible Reading Plan for January this year. Of course, the verses in this plan will be a blessing any time of year.

I love how the King James Version and New King James Version are expressed. The word ‘affection’ aptly shows me how my ‘mind’ looks at the things that catch my attention.

To help apply this to your life, look through the ‘orders’ on your Amazon account to get an idea of your affections!

Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:2 (KJV)

Your affections are stored in your mind. As you read this article, think over even one area and consider whether your affections are heavenly or earthly.

Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:2 (NKJV)

Do you struggle with any of these affections?

  • Are you struggling to get your thoughts and emotions under control?
  • Do you struggle with your finances because you binged on all the (so-called) Amazon deals over the holidays?
  • Do you struggle with anger, or are your emotions an emotional train wreck?
  • Is your marriage going through a tough season?

You can stop struggling as you fix your eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2). The struggle is real but you can start shifting from focusing on earthly affections to heavenly ones.

Where are your affections?

I want to say that mine are focused on the things above. If truth be told, that’s something I’ll be working on for the rest of my life!

Why should we work hard to go against our natural bent to focus on the things of this earth?

So that GRACE and PEACE will be yours in abundance through the blood of Jesus Christ.

When our life is over, the only things that will matter are the eternal things we focus on throughout life.

Everything having to do with Jesus is refreshing.

So seek the things that are above.

Don’t replace Christ with fleeting pleasures and affections. Your soul will be parched if you live to satisfy yourself with constant emptiness.

When time is lost in frivolous activities or thoughts, we start neglecting prayer and reading God’s Word. ~Judith Kowles~

The result is:

  • Shallowness!
  • Powerlessness!
  • Vulnerability to sin!
  • Preoccupation with frivolity!
  • Superficial relationships!
  • Lost interest in worship!
  • Little to no interest in church!

The only way back is to REPENT so that times of REFRESHING may come again.

Turning to the Lord with hearts open and submissive.

Taking this verse and copying it out, helped me slow down and meditate on whether there are any areas where I am focusing on the things of this earth.

It would be easier to breeze through Colossians 3:2 and rationalize how I ‘go to church’ and ‘read my Bible.’


Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

2 Corinthians 5:17 reminds us that in Christ, we are made new—transformed by His sacrifice and love. Jesus willingly died for our sins, and that single moment in history offers us hope.

Embrace grace and cultivate a heart that reflects Jesus in your daily life

When your daily life reflects Jesus in how you think and love those around you with humility and love, you have started to change your affections to heavenly ones.

Cultivating a heart that mirrors Jesus involves surrendering your desires and aligning your affections with His.

Here on His Unmeasured Grace, we encourage you to embrace grace and welcome the unmerited love that God has for you into your heart.

When you allow it to transform you from the inside out, you will reflect Jesus in the way you live, love, and respond to others.

I want to examine my heart and ask if I have hidden areas that are more carnal than eternal.

This year I am asking God to #Renew my mind so I can grow closer to Jesus.

Watch this video to get a personable discussion of being Christlike or self-like. I’d love it if you’d hit the ‘Like’ button and subscribe!!

What about you?

Share your One Word in the comments and how you plan to be renewed in your walk with your Lord.


You will love the Renew Your Mind & Time Journaling Workbook designed to transform your life into a new creation in Christ. As you read the Bible verse you will experience intimacy with Jesus as you write out Scripture and journal how the Holy Spirit speaks to your heart.

Renew Your Mind & Time Journaling Workbook

  • RENEW ME Bible Reading Plan
  • PRACTICAL PAGES – Organize your life

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