5 Powerful Reasons for Praying Scripture

5 Powerful Reasons for Praying Scripture

You might have seen encouragement for praying Scriptures as a way to turn prayerlessness into prayerfulness. It is powerful when a woman becomes a warrior in prayer in her closet be it literally a closet or binder where she records her requests and prayers.

Today I am excited to delve into prayer again as I continually ask my Lord, “Teach me to pray!”

This is the journey I want to be on as I include praying the Scriptures in my prayer-time with the Lord each day.

I want to grow, not in the words or wordiness that I choose but in the motivations of my heart. My words aren’t always beautiful sounding as I pray.

I am here to tell you that prayer isn’t about our words but is about your heart!

That is why it is so powerful to start praying the Scriptures because when you don’t know what words to say, God’s Word says it for you.

Words in the Bible are so much more powerful than any eloquence I might come up with!

Does Praying Scripture Seem Foreign to You?

Talk about feeling awkward! I am all over that!

I have trouble memorizing (because I am not a child anymore 😉 and that is why I share so many Scripture Memory Cards on my blog! They help me to become really familiar with Bible verses an internalize them into my heart.

I love to put them on the fridge or even use them as a bookmark. I’d print them in color except that I have a laser printer.

My newest way of using Scripture Memory Cards is so they can guide my prayers. That is a wonderful way of praying Scripture.

Have you ever DOWNLOADED a SET? I am curious, I’d LOVE to know!

One way to read the Bible in your Quiet Time so comes alive is to turn the Words into prayers. You could pray for others using what you read or the story that you read.

You want your feelings and heart to align with what you are reading in the passage so that it changes your life. That is one reason that praying these verses becomes so powerful.

Turning Off Vain Repetitions by Praying Scripture

I have the feeling that no one truly knows how to pray or ever will. There are lots of people who sound like they do.

True prayer is spoken through the Holy Spirit and is our response of praise and adoration to God.

Repetitious words just can’t work that up!

Praying the Scriptures turns off the vain repetitions and replaces them with how God would speak into our life and the life of others.

5 Powerful Reasons for Praying Scripture

1. The early church practiced praying Scripture! 

They had threats placed against them and they lifted their voices together to praise God in the only way they knew. They didn’t look at their discouraging situation but lifted their hearts to the wonderfulness of God!

And when they heard it, they lifted their voices together to God and said, “Sovereign Lord, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and everything in them, Acts 4:24

2. Pray back to God the words He has given you!

Again, we know that the early church prayed back the Words of Scripture and this leaves us with a wonderful example that they took from Psalm 2.

Who through the mouth of our father David, your servant, said by the Holy Spirit,

“‘Why did the Gentiles rage,
and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
and the rulers were gathered together,
against the Lord and against his Anointed’ Acts 4:25-26

3. Many parts of Scripture are prayers!

Think about how awesome this is!

If you don’t know how to pray or don’t feel confident in your ability, here is the answer. This is how your Lord can teach you to pray.

Merely reading passages where it is a prayer or prayerful, is praying.

That is IF you are awake and paying attention to what you are reading.

If you are still at a loss, the letters that Paul wrote are filled with prayers to the people he is writing to. That is a great place to start.

The Psalms are filled with prayers!

Jesus has prayers that we can use for exercising our new habit of prayerfulness.

4. Praise and adoration to God in response to Scripture!

As you read the Bible you will come across things about God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit. This gives you a wonderful opportunity to give praise and adoration to God for all that He has done for you.

When you are reading through a chapter or passage where a story is told, like in the Old Testament, it won’t always be possible to pray the verse. It takes a section or verses or a whole chapter to tell the story.

There is a point that is being made of a certain kind of sin or where courage and faith were demonstrated. That is when you pray for courage like those in that Bible story or pray to ask forgiveness of sin that you were convicted of.

5. Pray for others as Paul did!

Over and over again, Paul demonstrates how to pray for others. He was a missionary and trained others to be missionaries.

He prayed for other missionaries.

Other Christians.

Those who were sick.

Women who ministered to others.

He thought little about himself as he showed us while he was in prison praying for the needs of others when he was in chains!

Shifting from Prayerlessness to Prayerfulness

Hopefully, you won’t swiftly read through this and breeze onto the next thing!

Take time to slow down and internalize what you have read. Ask the Lord to teach you to pray fervently.

It might take some time to put into practice what I have been sharing about prayerlessness, prayerfulness, and praying Scripture.

And that’s alright!

It takes time to make a habit and put something new into practice. I challenge you to start praying Scripture with me using this PRAYER DOWNLOAD that I am proving you today!

How has this blessed you today? If you want to leave prayerlessness behind and start being more prayerful by praying Scripture, TYPE YOUR NAME IN THE COMMENTS!!


Here are two books that have been a huge blessing in my life. They will help you go from prayerlessness to prayerfulness!

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  1. Melanie Baillie…
    I just wanted to tell you that I find your newsletters very encouraging and uplifting. Thank you for the time you take to share your knowledge and wisdom with us.

    1. Thank you so much Melanie, that means so much to know that the Lord is using them to speak to your heart.

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