How To Pour Your Life Out in Prayer

When you pour your life out in prayer, it makes our service to our families more effective than any other effort we can give.

We can spend hours of time cleaning our home and quality time with our children, but a poured out life of prayer will produce eternal results like nothing else. 

Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 1 John 5:14

This is where I have failed the most.

No matter what season of life you are in, you can start to pour your life out in prayer today. God loves it when we keep growing closer to Him and He gives grace and mercy where we have failed in the past.

I want to challenge myself and you to give yourself to pray frequently so that your family is covered.

Your prayers will protect your family from the deadly fire of Satan’s forces. Truly here lies the success of your family. In Christ, not in your efforts.

I love reading “Behind The Ranges” which is about a missionary to China many years ago. Because of the ministry of J. O. Fraser to the Lisu people, there were over 60 thousand Lisu Christians in Burma. These statistics just simply glow with triumph after the hard times of his earlier ministry and speak of God’s faithfulness through the years in moving men through prayer.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Let’s move our family through prayer this week with at least 5 minutes of prayer for them before starting your day.

  • Leave a reminder on a sticky note to pray for your family in your Bible or on your mirror.
  • List each member of your family on that note.
  • Take your prayer up a notch and give yourself to frequent prayer,.

If you have “littles” pray over their day and future.

If your children have grown pray, for them fervently that they would make the right choices, that they would be on fire for Jesus.

If you have children who are not walking with the Lord, faithfully pour your life out in prayer as you go through your day that these children would see their need for the Lord.

Are you struggling with your children in some way? Do you have a prodigal child that is breaking your heart? Leave me a comment and share your concern and I will pray for you!


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  1. I myself have just turned 40. I was raised without religion. My grandparents were very into objectivism and my dad, although raised Catholic, had terrible experiences in religion. He has in the last few years, turned back to church…. and I’m just now seeing that God is what has been missing from my life. My youngest daughter has shown interest in learning the bible with me. My oldest, who is 19, has no interest and refuses. I just hope she’ll learn from example.

    1. I am so thankful that you have found Jesus and pray that you will grow closer to Him through reading your Bible. It is wonderful that your younger daughter is showing interest in studying the Bible with you. I hope and pray that your older daughter will come to Jesus soon. Have you joined Jesus Journaling on Facebook? There are many devotionals that will help you on your walk with the Lord. You’ll find the link in a graphic on the sidebar.

  2. Thank you, Judith. I like this. And it goes right along with what I’m studying. God is amazing like that! Instead of journaling through the Psalms this month I am doing your 30 Days of Prayerfulness & focusing on my prayer life. I have 6 grown kids and am lifting them up in prayer often. I plan to use some of your hints and pray for my family more. Thank you again.

    1. Mary Jane, you blessed me so much to read such an encouraging comment. It gives my heart such joy to know the Lord is blessing you through this. There are two mistakes in the list of verses I haven’t fixed yet. I found them working through them myself. Praying for your 6 kids right now. I have 7 and not all walk with Jesus.

    2. Mary Jane, I loved reading what you wrote. Something was not working and your comment was hidden from me. Praying for your children too!

  3. I have 4 kids t bff ey are not walking with God but they don’t want nothing to do with me and i cant see my grandchildren. My oldest daughter adopted mom wont let her contact me cause she has full custody of her son Ishmael. I went to prison for 4 yrs and they are using my past againt me

    1. This must be so hard for you Trina! It is hard when our children don’t walk with God. It is even harder when you have changed as you walk with God and they can’t see it. God is your comfort when you can’t see your grandkids. Look to Him and He will give you strength for each day. I wish I could give you a hug and reassure you that you are not alone. There are so many grandparents who are not able to see their grandchildren these days. It is heartbreaking. I will pray for you!!

    2. I am so sorry Trina for all that is happening in your life. It must be so hard for you not to see your grandkids. I will be praying for you!!

  4. Pray for my teenage son, his rebellion and disrespectful. I know it’s only God that can help him.

    1. {{{Hugs}}} Frendolene!! Our children can break our heart and make it so stressful. If they only understood that we only want the best for them. Yes, it is only God that can turn their heart around. I am praying for your son. I know you are too!!

  5. Hi,
    I have an adult child whose personality is very negative, very judgmental and can be condescending to her brother and sister and myself. It’s a long story but the short of it is that her dad and I divorced 17 years ago and chose to not see them off on their whole lives. My husband now and myself were there always to pick up the pieces and love them unconditionally. She recently started talking to her dad and now her and I have issues so I suspect he has told her untrue things about me and for some reason she believes him. She is extremely hard to talk to because she has done nothing wrong in her eyes and if you don’t agree with her way of thinking you are the one that’s wrong. I’m at a loss as to what to do and right now she’s not talking to me or her sister. I feel like I have done w everything in my power to change things but she continues to harbor resentment. I’m praying that some day soon she will come around and want a relationship that is loving and nonjudgmental w her sister and myself.

    1. Hi Kristi! That is all so heartbreaking and hard to go through. I am praying for restoration to your relationship with your daughter. It is so hard when things that are untrue are spoken against us. Jesus had that happen and understands what we are going through more than anyone else. Cast your cares on Him and when they come back to haunt you, cast them back on Him again.

  6. Oxford’s English Living Dictionary – pour – to express ones feelings in an unrestrained way – beautiful encouraging and timely word. Thank you!

    1. Hi Glenda! I love how you looked up the word ‘pour’ in your dictionary. I am so thankful that this was timely in your life situations. Yes, we are able to express our feelings to God in an unrestrained way. That is so totally amazing!!

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