Praying For Your Children For The Rest Of Your Life


You raise your children for the first 18 years of their life but need to pray for them for the rest of your life!


Praying For Your Children For The Rest Of Your Life



Voilà! Parenting season is finished! Now you can do the things you have always dreamed of doing but were too busy raising children to do. FORGET IT! None of that happens! (Omartian, Stormie (2009-07-01). The Power of Praying® for Your Adult Children)


My kids have grown and my nest is empty, but as Stormie shares in her book, my job is not done and things will happen in their lives that will keep me on my knees for the rest of my life!

Even when our adult children love and serve the Lord, we still have concerns for them. We pray for their safety and well-being, and we wake in the night with them on our minds.


Be A Faithful Prayer Warrior!


Older women are often known for quietly being faithful prayer warriors behind the scenes.

My desire is to be that kind of woman!

My friend in her nineties would give me a special hug and whisper that she was praying for my children.

Not all of her children walk with Jesus but she continues to pray for them daily.

She knows the importance of prayer!


Praying for Your Children


From the time my oldest was four months old, I faithfully read Bible stories to him.

I couldn’t help teaching him about Jesus, through reading, singing, and doing everything I could to turn his young life to the Lord.

Each day before starting homeschool we started off with a Bible time. I somehow assumed that my children would all follow the Lord.

When my kids were little, I couldn’t wrap my head around the need to pray for them beyond their first eighteen years. I was caught in the moment of never-ending laundry and diapers!

They needed prayer for protection and guidance that reached beyond childhood.

We can’t always follow our child, only God can.

They can travel to the ends of the earth, yet they will never be able to get away from God.

He is love and cares for them with a deeper love than I can ever give them.

When my children were growing up and my days were filled with meeting their needs, I had some special friends who would hold my arms up in prayer like Aaron and Hur did for Moses during battle.


We are in a battle for our children’s souls!


Many days we think we are in a battle with the strong will of our child not thinking beyond the chaos of the moment.

Now that my children are grown, I want to pray for them more intentionally than ever!

There is no guarantee in the Bible that our children will walk with God even if we tried to give them a godly upbringing.

There are so many examples in the Bible of Godly parents whose children totally went astray.


Never stop praying for your children for the rest of your life!


Will you join me in praying for our children for the rest of your life?



If your children are grown, you understand what I mean because not all their choices are ones you would ever have wanted them to make!

Here are 6 war room Bible verses for fervent prayer that you can pray for your children.


Are you struggling to find time to pray for your children? How would you like other ladies in this community to join in prayer for you?




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