
Weight Loss Motivation How to Lose 25 Pounds

Weight Loss Motivation how to Lose 25 Pounds

Your weight does not define who you are in Christ Jesus. You are made up of soul and spirit and that is what defines you for all eternity.


Carrying around excess pounds is uncomfortable and unhealthy.

What if you could change all that?

You have an image of who you are. You look in the mirror and see a slender, pudgy, or even a fat girl.

Lord, you have searched me and known me!
You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
    you discern my thoughts from afar.
 You search out my path and my lying down
    and are acquainted with all my ways. Psalm 139:1-2

You are special and NOT defined by what you see staring back from the mirror.

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:14

You are loved by God and by me!

God looks on the inside and really doesn’t notice what you look like on the outside. I suppose He sees ‘you’ but in the long scheme of things, it is your heart that matters and nothing else.

BUT . . .

If you want to live for His glory and be comfortable while you’re at it, you might want to join me in my quest for fitness and staying as healthy as possible.

I Lost 25 Pounds!

I had always on the slim side but as we age, our metabolism slows down and it becomes increasingly more difficult to keep the pounds from packing on.

I was busy with many little children and I loved eating spaghetti and muffins.

Weight Loss Motivation how to Lose 25 Pounds

I had no time for a scale, in fact, I didn’t own one.

That is a recipe for disaster waiting to happen!

One day I went to town to find something dressy for an occasion. I caught sight of myself in the dressing-room mirror with horror!

When did THIS happen?

I got right on it and lost all 25 pounds.

No, I did not!

It wasn’t until I got hives twice for a whole month that something in my body was triggered to start my weight loss journey. The funny thing was that people still saw me as thin. I was also wearing baggier clothes. That helps, right?

In our western American culture, we do not even think of twenty-five extra pounds as being overweight.

Are you desperately looking for answers on how to lose the baby weight?

I am passionate about the solution I have found on how to lose 25 pounds or even more!

How To Lose 25 Pounds or More!

If you have weight to lose, eventually you will likely compromise your health. I won’t even begin to name the physical issues that might be the result of being overweight.

And yes, even people who are thin can be unhealthy if they ignore the need for a healthier lifestyle.

Why not be ahead of the game and get on it now?

Here are some ways to get started:

  1. Drink half your body weight in ounces each day!
  2. Drink black coffee (if you can :P) or tea!
  3. Drink non-calorie beverages!
  4. Gentle Movement each day!
  5. Change-up what you are eating!
  6. Decrease sugar (and sugar substitutes) from your diet!
  7. Stop eating 3 hours before bed!
  8. Get 7-8 hours of sleep!
  9. Eat dessert 1-2 times on the weekend! Yep!

Commit Your Weight Loss Journey to Jesus!

Pray and talk to the Lord about how you’d like to lose weight. It really helps to lay your burdens down at His feet and share the desires of your heart.

If you have a husband and children, you owe it to them. It will make it easier to serve your family. Besides, I know your husband would appreciate a trimmer looking wife.

Weight Loss Motivation for You!

Nothing is going to happen to benefit you losing twenty-five pounds unless you are motivated!

It is time to get serious about your health!

The biggest motivator is an amazing program that I have found by Sara and Becky from Faithful Finish Lines. I am finding this to be such a blessing!

This program will open again in January 2020

I am learning HOW to keep those pesky pounds from packing back on by getting to the root of my problems. Remember that I love to binge on chocolate chip cookies?

I am DONE with yo-yo-ing seven pounds on and off! Just DONE!

Seven pounds back on my hips and stomach means being on the road to gaining all twenty-five pounds! YIKES! NO!

What motivates me the most is being in a community. That’s right.

Why I failed in keeping all 25 pounds off was that I did not have other people doing it with me.

That’s why Faithful Finish Lines will work for you too!

If you want to try it out for FREE, I would recommend starting with their FIVE DAY Jumpstart program. Yes, it’s totally free. That way, you can meet Sara and Becky in the course and get a taste of what it is like.

FREE Faithful Fitnes 5-Day Faith & Fitness JUMPSTART

How I Stay Healthy and Do Life

BUT . . . I know you’ll love it!

Getting motivated with other women is the key to success in weight loss.

Yes, I only lost 25 pounds. You might have more that you’d like to lose but if you start with 25 pounds, you’ll be a winner!

What are your weight loss goals? Have you tried every diet and method out there without any success? 

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