5 Reasons Bible Journaling is a Legacy

Have you ever thought about how Bible journaling can be a legacy? When you pass away (as we all will someday) what footprints are you leaving for the next generation?

Do you ever think about that?

5 Reasons Bible Journaling is a Legacy

Even if you minimize your stuff as you get older, you likely will not get rid of your Bibles.

Yes, Bibles. Plural.

Most of us don’t live in a country where the Bible prohibited and we are able to have more than one.

For those of you who love to Bible journal, you likely have more than one. Maybe you even have four like me!

I love my Bible and love God’s Word so much that I have several different kinds.

After my sweet mother-in-law passed, my two sisters-in-law and sorted through her belongings in order to pass them on.

She left a legacy that has placed a deep imprint on my heart. No, she didn’t keep a Bible journal but instead wrote letters to missionaries. She had been a missionary her whole adult life and was continuing to pass on encouragement to others.

There was evidence of her correspondence everywhere we looked.

Did you ever realize that you Bible journaling is like a letter to those who will follow after you?

Your children and grandchildren may someday sort through your belongings.

They may not be walking with the Lord and may come across the beautiful notes or drawings you did in your Bible or notebook.

Bible journaling isn’t just artwork. Before I started drawing, I filled many many spiral notebooks and 3-Ring binders through the years.

5 Reasons Bible Journaling is a Legacy

In this instance, Bible journaling means either written notes, copied Bible verses, or artwork from your Quiet Time with the Lord Jesus.

Here are 5 reasons the legacy you leave is so important!

         1. God’s Word never ever returns void!

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

2. Your journaling is a testimony of what God has done in YOUR life!

The notes along the edges of your Bible, the verses, prayers and thoughts that you copied in your notebook, and artword you did will leave the mark of your journey in faith during your life in a way nothing else can. You never know what child may come across it or the grandchild who will be touched by it who was not open to Christ during your life.

3. Your journaling can say what you could not say because they would not listen!

Sometimes we have loved ones who will not listen to our testimony during our lifetime. My sweet grandmother prayed for four of her grandsons who were being raised without Christ in their home. Years after she passed, one of them personally accepted Jesus as Savior. You just never know how God will use you!

4. Bible verses stand out through artwork or because you copied a portion of God’s Word!

Someone who is not saved may not be drawn to a Bible filled with many verses and Words from God. Your journal with just a few of the verses highlighted may speak to the heart of someone someday. Your Bible with all the pictures you drew illustrating one verse or phrase may speak to the person who finds the treasure you left. After a person’s life is over, people are often curious to learn more about the loved one who passed. You just never know the impact and legacy your journaling might have someday!

5. Your journaling expresses the intimacy you had with Jesus!

When we are alone with God, our jouraling expresses the depth of our experiences and feelings. I often think of this and am careful not to leave written things from the rawest moments of my life. If you think about what you are journaling as someday becoming a legacy, you are more likely to leave a legacy for Jesus.

Someday someone may read what you are journaling about today.

We often share our art in the Jesus Journaling Facebook group but your children and grandchildren (if you have them yet) may not be interested at this point.

They will be someday when you’re gone!

Are you Bible journaling during your Quiet Time?

What kind of legacy are you leaving for your loved ones? Are you Bible journaling with the thought that someday it will be a legacy for those who you loved?

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