How to Get Started with a Daily Bible Reading Routine

Do you struggle to keep a daily Bible reading routine? You’ll be challenged, encouraged, and equipped to draw closer to Jesus each day.

How To Get Started with a Daily Bible Reading Routine


If you have been reading my blog for very long, you will know that I believe it’s very important to go deeper with God through a daily Bible reading routine.

There is nothing more central to my blog than to encourage and equip women to walk closer with Jesus through spending time with Him every. single. day.

It will impact every area of your life!

Whether you are cleaning your home, cooking meals, caring for your children, working in or out of the home or interacting with your husband, children, relatives, and others.

There was a time that I struggled and did not regularly read my Bible.

I was up in the middle of the night changing diapers and nursing babies.

I was exhausted during the day.

My days ran into my nights and I lived on depleted energy.

There are different reasons that women don’t get into the routine of reading their Bible and that might include simply neglecting to establish the habit.

Maybe you have filled your life up with other activities and interests. The reasons are endless.

Whatever the case, I am going to challenge you this to get into God’s Word on a daily basis!!

Remember as a child being dared to hold your breath or jump in that puddle with your dress shoes?

It is kind of like that. A challenge that makes you want to do something that seems impossible.

Reasons to Start a Daily Bible Reading Routine

Do you struggle with discouragement or defeat?

Do you not know what direction you should take concerning a decision you need to make?

Do you have a difficult relationship with your husband or children?

Whatever the issues that you are dealing with in your life, I promise you, that if you take the time to set up a daily Bible reading routine, your problems will seem a lot less. They won’t necessarily go away but you will experience something awesome happening in your life.

You will be going deeper with God and He will make all the difference in your life.

I chose this short passage because it is an encouragement on why you need to have a daily Bible reading routine.

Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.

10 With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments.

11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

12 Blessed art thou, O Lord: teach me thy statutes.

13 With my lips have I declared all the judgments of thy mouth.

14 I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies, as much as in all riches.

15 I will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways.

16 I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word. (Psalms 119:9-16)

  • Keep your way pure
  • Keep your word
  • Seek the Lord with all your heart
  • Keep you from wandering from God’s commands
  • Keep you from sinning against the Lord
  • Teach you God’s statutes
  • Rejoice in God’s direction
  • Meditate on God’s precepts
  • Think about God’s ways
  • Delight in God’s statutes
  • Keep you from forgetting God’s Word

I am sure that there are many other reasons and blessings for you when you have a daily Bible reading routine.

Just those eight verses from Psalm 119 gave enough reasons to read your Bible that I hope will motivate you to get started.

How to Get Started in a Bible Reading Routine

The Quiet Time Printable Pack will get you started going deeper with God! Get Yours RIGHT NOW!


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Just do it!!

If you are NOT finding time to read your Bible let’s get started today. If you are taking the time, my challenge for you is to make your time with the Lord more intentional so that you grow deeper with Jesus.

  1. Include your Bible Reading time as part of your Morning Routine (if you have littles you might use nap time or read it aloud to your children like I did.)
  2. Pick a TIME and stick to it (If I get up later I so things in the same order).
  3. Do not let other things take that time. Stay off social media until you have spent time with Jesus or ‘it’ will take that spot in your day.

Choose a Bible Reading Plan

Do you have a Bible Reading Plan? It helps me to look forward to reading the Bible when I have a plan. There are so many Bible studies out there today or you can just pick a plan.

  • You can read through your Bible from start to finish.
  • You can choose a plan with an app on your phone.wo
  • You can choose a book of the Bible to study of your choice.
  • You can choose an online Bible study.
  • Study the books of Luke or James available through my blog.

I cannot say enough about how much I have gone deeper with God the last few years as I learned to study the Bible.

It takes me less than 24 hours to backslide because I neglected to read my Bible. That is why I will always encourage you to also make your time with God, part of your daily routine.

Do you struggle because you neglect a daily Bible reading routine?

Remember that I shared with you that I have had the same struggle in the past.  Get started today and go deeper with God this month!

The Quiet Time Printable Pack will get you started going deeper with God! Get Yours RIGHT NOW!


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