Be A Mom After God’s Own Heart

Become a mom after God’s own heart and see how your thoughts and actions will be more Christ-like as you’re transformed into His image.

Being a mom is tough. It’s hard work but it’s worth it!

There are so many things that can be hard about being a mom. Feeding, changing diapers, potty training, waiting until your kids go to bed to sneak some ice cream for a stay-at-home date night.

But if you passionately love Jesus, there’s one thing that moms of every age and stage have in common: we all want our children to grow up to have a heart after God’s own heart.

More importantly, is to first be a mom who has a heart after God’s own heart. When you follow hard after God, you will leave an example for your children to follow. Following God is a choice each individual must make for themselves. Your children aren’t saved because you are a Christ-follower.

I’m going to share some of my favorite ways to stay grounded in God’s own heart as a mother and give you a Holy Spirit power boost to help you get on the right path.

Be A Mom After God’s Own Heart

Are you trying to figure out how to be the best mom possible? It didn’t take me long after my first child was born to totally fall short!

I remember when my son was two weeks old and we were going away for the Fourth of July weekend. I was supposed to be packed and ready to go when my husband got home from work.

When he got home, the packing wasn’t finished, laundry was in piles all over the bedroom, and the baby was screaming for yet another meal. My confused husband had no idea how I had all day and wasn’t ready to leave.

When we finally left, we drove no further than a half hour and our sweet baby was screaming for more! It isn’t easy to nurse an unhappy baby that is adjusting to riding in a car seat.

Once he was adequately fed, we drove a little further and the scenario repeated. Again. And again.

I didn’t have wonderful warm-fuzzy feelings of being a wonderful mom. I felt inadequate and anything but like the best mom.

Motherhood is filled with experiences that leave us coming up short. On the outside, you probably act confident and like you have it all together. If truth be told, you might actually feel the opposite on the inside.

And that’s why you desperately NEED to be a mom after God’s own heart. I need God desperately because time after time, I fail God, my husband, and my children.

I can’t live the mom life alone and I definitely need God. The only way I have made it this far as a mom is by wanting to have a heart after God’s own heart. Most of the time there are moments throughout each day that I blow it in one way or another. That has always driven me to chase hard after God.

It’s through God that you will gradually (because face it, this isn’t magic) learn to surrender yourSELF more and more until one day, you will BE more like Jesus. All because you have are a mom with a heart after God’s own heart.

The Importance of Motherhood

We live in a world that is constantly changing. Life just doesn’t look normal anymore and added to that is how your role as a mother is constantly devalued.

Your kids need you to keep going more than ever before. No matter how you ‘feel’ you doing the most important job in the entire universe!

When you are overwhelmed with the moment you’re currently living in, it’s easy to forget how much you wanted to be a mom. Motherhood is a blessing and it’s important to be grateful for one thing about being a mom each day.

You Get To:

How to Be a Godly Mom

How to be a godly mom is so simple and yet so difficult. Following hard after God despite a mommy meltdown has its ups and downs because without the Holy Spirit it’s easy to fall flat on your face.

I want to help you lay the foundation for becoming the mom that you desire to be. Just the fact that you are still reading this shows me that you want to have a heart after God’s own heart.

But it’s not easy!

I want you to feel encouraged and like you’ve been powered up to go back to mothering.

Maybe you’re like me and you’re reading this and feeling like you’ve failed in every possible way. Maybe you were saved when your kids were growing up or maybe not. Either way, it is likely you feel like an utter failure.

Some of my grown kids don’t walk with Jesus and there is nothing that was more important to me. It was the main thing that motivated me in reading the Bible to them, teaching them, and was also the thing that bogged me down. Deep down, I cared way too much for each of them.

I know you are a busy mom who has very little time to read. Take this article on your phone and read it while your kiddos nap, or play, or maybe when you find a rare quiet moment. Shut out the internet noise and learn to spend time in the presence of Jesus.

Because becoming a godly mom is all about the pursuit of Jesus every moment of your day.

Maybe because of past sins in your life, you don’t feel like you can ever become godly. It took being a mom for me to really deeply see my sin and to see myself how God saw me.

You can be encouraged by David who was anything but godly without God working in his life.

  • He took another man’s life. That’s adultery!
  • He murdered a man!
  • David tradgically fell into sin!
  • He allowed sinfulness and selfishness to take control for a time!

Even under the worst times, David demonstrated a heart that was against sin.

In Psalm 51:7-13 there are three ways that David had a heart after God’s own heart:

  • RENEW!

“Re” is a prefix that means to do again or repeat.

Yes, David had committed an offense to God, yet this passage of Scripture picks up the heart of God.

We need special times of REVIVAL is an ongoing event where we meet with God to rejoice, renew, and restore our hearts.

We need to DO whatever it takes to DO and LIVE our life for God. That is how you will become a godly mom!

God’s Plan for a Mom’s Heart

God has a plan for your heart to be earnestly chasing after God’s own heart. You can do this even though you are so busy from the moment you get up.

When my kids were babies and toddlers, there was a time when my time with Jesus was a blur. I wasn’t as regular with my Quiet Time as I would have liked to have been.

Looking back I know that I could have been more intentional even with ten or fifteen minutes each day. I did end up getting a routine into my days and it made a lot of difference.

Here are a few tips that will get your day off to a better start. It won’t matter if the baby is fusing all day like mine sometimes did or if your teenage daughter is going through an extremely rough phase. I’ve lived through both scenarios and want to share what worked so you can get some ideas and solutions.

No Time to Read Your Bible?

  • Read the Bible at the breakfast table to your kids! Done this with my kids.
  • When you’re feeding your baby in the middle of the night, prop your phone or tablet where you can read your Bible. Psalms is encouraging. Done this when tandem bottle feeding newborn-twin granddaughters who lived with us for 18 months.
  • Play the audio Bible! You can do this when you wake up in the morning instead of scrolling social media, while you are making breakfast, or while riding in the car. Done all this!
  • Play praise music while you are in the shower and getting ready for your day, or doing other things. I can’t tell you how much this prepares your heart for your day and for your time with Jesus.
  • Take time to pray for your children!

Become a mom with God’s own heart as you think about the things shared today. They were thoughtfully created just for you, mom. They will give you wisdom and guidelines for the major calling God has placed in your life.

Through prayer to the Holy Spirit, ask Him to bring God’s Word alive in your life and heart and help you understand God’s plan and priorities for your life so that your heart and soul are transformed into a heart that pursues God with your all.

Open your heart to be a mom after God’s own heart. What steps will you be taking to become that kind of mom?

Are you weary and feeling like you’re not enough? When You’re Not Enough Journaling Workbook is EXACTLY what you NEED, RIGHT NOW!

You Are Enough

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