5 Characteristics of a Godly Mother

Mother’s Day has always been a special day and especially last year because my birthday fell on Mother’s Day.  This year it’s on Monday.  What better way to celebrate than to honor my mother!  I’m sharing the characteristics of a godly mother to inspire you to leave a legacy for your children as my mother did for me and my siblings.

5 Characteristics of a Godly Mother

My first experience with my godly mother, Evelyn Bollback, was in Matsue, Japan an hour after Mother’s Day. Of course, my only memories of this event were the stories that were told to me of my dramatic entry into this world.

I was born at home to parents who were missionaries.

5 Characteristics of a Godly Mother

I had a seven-year-old sister and a ten-year-old brother.

Life couldn’t have been better.

We each have our story of how we entered life.

Where that story begins is where the blessings of our mother begin.

We don’t all have a godly mother but even a mother who doesn’t know the Lord can have a tremendous influence on our life for good.

God made her that way.

What mother doesn’t want her children to ‘turn out right?’ God placed in every mother’s heart the desire for her children to succeed. For some mothers that means financially while for others that means in how their children walk with God.

It is such a blessing to have a godly mother. My mother is godly and loves the Lord.

  • I remember her being so faithful in reading her Bible!
  • She would sit up at night reading her Bible before bed!
  • Her Bible was precious to her!
  • She was always an example to me!
  • She was not a gossip!

She must have worked hard to keep the house clean but it appeared effortless because I never remember seeing her actually clean.

She honored my father.

She was strong emotionally. I was not.

She directed me to do right. Always.

She wasn’t perfect but she always followed the Lord perfectly.

You Can ‘Be’ the Blessing of a Godly Mother

5 Characteristics of a Godly Mother

My beautiful amazing Mom on July 14, 2018, for my parent’s 75th wedding anniversary. My dad passed seven weeks later and my mom four months after my dad.

Don’t wait to become a godly mother.

Planning to become a godly mother sometime in the future will not influence your children now.

Start learning to be godly NOW.

Your children need a godly mother and you can be one by grace alone.

You won’t ever be perfect.

In fact. You are more than likely to be IMPERFECT!!

Your children will see the process of godliness as they learn how to walk with God.  Our children watch us closely and they will learn more than you realize as you walk with God alongside them.

Take time to read the Bible to your children every day.

Sing with your children. If your children don’t know any of the wonderful hymns, find a hymn book and teach them those wonderful songs filled with such deep theology. Singing is a great way of passing your faith to your children.

  • Pray with your children before putting them to bed!
  • Pray as a family!
  • Read the Bible as a family!
  • We usually only read the Bible around in a circle and prayed with our children!

It doesn’t matter if your children would prefer you didn’t take this time as a family because hopefully someday they will look back and be thankful that you did.

My mother was the best mother I could ever have had. There is no way I can live up to the wonderful example that she has been for me through the years.

It is good to look back and be thankful to our own mothers but also to live in the present and be the best mother that we can possibly be for God’s glory.

Don’t lose heart, keep serving your children with a servant’s heart even when you are weary and you will not lose your reward.

Sweet godly mother, care for your children in the name of Jesus.

“And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.” Matthew 10:42

Are you struggling and weary? Don’t give up! How can I pray for you? Share with me in the comments or send me a message privately.

5 Characteristics of a Godly Mother

My mother, Evelyn Bollback, 97 1/2 (1921-2019)

 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Proverbs 31:28

Proverbs 31-28

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