When You Think There is No Time to Pray

When You Think there is Not Time to Pray

Your day starts off with the baby screaming and there is simply no time to pray.

The question isn’t when to pray or how long to pray. I know that you want to pray. Very much so.

When you think there is no time to pray, how do you find the time?

I am a mom with seven children. I burned the candle at both ends for many years and in fact, I often still do.

I would work into the evenings preparing for homeschool the next day and wake up around 5am to nurse a baby and start my day.

There isn’t a free moment when you have been up during the night and then wake to a toddler or nursing baby before the crack of dawn.

Because of those years when I had five kids whose ages were newborn to six-years-old, I learned some things in the school-of-hard-knocks.

And . . . because of that . . .

I have some ideas that might help you to connect with Jesus throughout the day. That is what you need the most to help you through those hours that feel endless and leave you depleted of energy.

When There’s No Time to Pray

Pray without ceasing. ~1 Thessalonians 5:17~

That is a little verse tucked away in your Bible that gives a huge clue on how you can fit praying into your day.

  • Pray as you are nursing your baby.
  • Pray for each family member as you fold their clean clothes.
  • Pray when you are strung out with a strong-willed child. God will give you wisdom.
  • Pray hard when you have an argument with your husband.
  • Pray when you are so tired that you have no clue how you will make it through the day.

Oh, how I wish there had been someone to encourage me during the years I was raising my children.

Encouragement through blogs didn’t exist.

I just didn’t have the networking that is available today. Who says social networking is always a bad thing?! If you use it wisely, you can find encouragement through wonderful articles that have been written to encourage mothers to walk with Jesus.

If you are discouraged and don’t know how to pray or where to start, I have a suggestion for you. When I was going through some of the darkest parenting days, I lived in Psalms. I read and read them over and over.

Psalms are like prayers. They are an honest heartfelt prayer to God.

If you don’t know how to pray, many of the Psalms can teach you how to cry out to God and tell Him things that you can’t tell anyone else.

God loves you.

He cares deeply for you and nothing surprises Him.

Psalm 119 is a wonderful Psalm to pray to the Lord and a good place to start.

How have you been creative in finding time to pray? I’d love to hear your story!

Resources for Prayer

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