Be Thankful When Your Day is Unremarkable


Be Thankful When Your Day is Unremarkable


Do you forget to thank God when your day is unremarkable? It is easy to look at the mundane day and take your circumstances for granted instead of being thankful for all that God is doing.

This morning my husband texted me to say he was hydroplaning because of the rain while he was driving to work.

I always assume that he will come home safely.


Is Your Day Unremarkable?


How is your day looking for you?

Mine started out gloomy and rainy and has turned into a bright sunny day!

Isn’t it typical for us to think gloomy-negative thoughts when it is overcast or raining?

Our outlook on the circumstances of our life can keep our focus on the downside instead of the thankful side.

We can be blinded, not seeing the good that God has for us in our day!


Be Thankful on the Unremarkable Days!


We need to be thankful when our day is unremarkable because it is often in the ordinary that God is blessing us!

I forget to thank God when things are going well.

When things are unremarkable is often when my thoughts take a spiral.

It isn’t necessarily when life is hardest.


Do you also forget to be thankful for the unremarkable days?


I really desire for my outlook to be one that is pleasing to Jesus no matter what comes about in my day.

That is easy to say but a lot harder to do when things happen that I don’t like!

I want God to be my dwelling place on the unremarkable days so that if life becomes hard, I am still dwelling IN Christ!

It can be as simple as my husband not putting things away.

Instead, I want to be thankful that he is still with me today!

I don’t want to take the good or the bad things for granted but instead, turn things around so that I put them all into God’s control over my life!


This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24


I’d love to hear the unremarkable things that you are thankful for today. It encourages and warms my heart when you share it with me. It keeps the conversation going!

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  1. This is a great reminder! How easy it is to take for granted the blessings that fill the “unremarkable” days! Many of my days are routine and well, uneventful….but God is so good and constantly blessing. Thanks for the reminder to not only be aware but to rejoice and be glad in each day!! Have a wonderful weekend –

    1. Jennifer your comment was so encouraging and I hope it will also encourage other women who happen to see it. You have a wonderful weekend too!!

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