Hymn Story: Glory to the Newborn King

Even before I was saved, Christmas always held a very special place in my heart!

Brother Paul Rausch was the band director at our church for almost eight years. He was blessed with an incredible amount of energy and love for the Lord that is uncommon in our day. This testimony was shared at his home-going memorial service just four years ago. Mr. Rausch encouraged each band member to pray before playing their brass instruments and use their ability and talent to the glory of God. We all miss him dearly.

Even before I was saved, Christmas always held a very special place in my heart!

Each year as the Christmas season approached, I would meditate on the Christmas story as I carried the water out to the chicken coops on our family’s little farm in the Catskill Mountains of New York. I would gaze out on the snow-covered hillsides and it seemed to me that I could see in my mind’s eye the shepherds with their sheep, and I thought I could almost hear the angels singing as it must have sounded on that very first Christmas, so many years ago.

It was on one such morning that I started to hum a melody that just seemed to flood my soul, and I caught myself singing my thoughts.

Glory to the Newborn King

In loving memory of Paul A. Rausch. July 7, 1931 – September 21, 2013

Out on the hills, I hear the sound, the sound of voices ringing,

Out on the hills, I hear the sound, the sound of angels singing!

As I look back over the years, I think I was probably around the age of twelve when I first sang the words to the melody the Lord had given me, and each year it would float back into my heart, just in time for Christmas.

After I started taking music lessons on the violin, and later the clarinet, I decided I would like to write down the melody and the words, which I did.

But . . . Lo and behold, I had lost the small scrap of paper on which I had written the melody.

I remember being so afraid that I would probably never be able to sing the same words with the same tune again because, try as I would, I just could not remember how the melody and the words went together.

Isn’t it wonderful that the Lord doesn’t forget what He has placed in a person’s heart?

As Christmas approached and I was again thinking about the shepherds and the angels, I suddenly began singing the familiar words to the very same melody that the Lord had previously given me earlier.

For Unto Us a Child is Born

For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

I was overjoyed and ran to the piano, and this time I did not lose the piece of paper with the melody and words carefully written down.

Many years passed, and one day while I was serving the Lord in the Music Department at Prairie Bible Institute.

The Lord reminded me of the scrap of paper.

At the time, I was very much in need of some new Christmas music for the upcoming Christmas Music Night. So, I prayed about it and the Lord impressed upon my mind that I needed to take some special time with Him and His Word and trust Him for the completion of this song.

What a blessed time it was as the Lord flooded my heart with a chorus to fit the melody that He had given me so many years before.

Right out of His Word, verses one, two, and three were written, but the fourth verse just didn’t seem to come along.

I telephoned two other staff members at the institute, Mr. Ray Olsen and Mrs. Evelyn Charter, to see if perhaps they could give me some assistance.

Well, to make a long story short, between the three of us the Lord gave us the fourth verse to the song, “Glory to the Newborn King.”

I cannot praise the Lord enough for a song that He gave a boy on a farm, and for the great salvation that He later gave the same young man at the age of nineteen.  Then to top it off, years of blessings since that time!!

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Our bootcamp is designed to help you make the most of your Christmas season. So don’t wait any longer – join the Christmas Bootcamp today and make this year’s Christmas season one to remember!

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Get unstuck from overwhelm, live fully calm, as you prepare your heart, and plan for a seamless experience between now and December 25th!


All I can say is . . .

“Glory to the Newborn King.”

You know and I know that the Lord works in wonders to perform!

Newborn King

Out on the hills, I hear the sound,

The sound of voices ringing,

Out on the hills, I hear the sound,

The sound of angels singing.


“Glory, glory to the newborn King!”

“Al-e-lu-ia,” Hear the angels sing,

“Glory, glory to the newborn King!”

“Let Him reign within your heart today.”

Shepherds heard the angels sing,

They found the manger lowly,

Gazed upon the newborn King,

And then proclaimed His story.

When man rejoiced to see the star,

That led them to the Savior,

There they bowed and worshipped Him,

The “King of Kings” forever!

Christ is the same!

He has not changed:

Yes, you can find the Savior,

Open your heart, He’ll enter in,

Then sing His praise forever!

CHRISTMAS ROUND-UP: Read more Christmas posts HERE!!

Christmas Round-Up

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  1. Thanks for sharing this story. I was a student at Prairie when Mr. Rausch published and performed this Christmas song. I’m grateful I had the opportunity to enjoy several music nights he and other staff put together.

    1. Hi Ruth! Bro Rausch was amazing! I can still hear him whistling as he is coming into the room!

    2. Hi Ruth! Mr Rausch was so full of energy. I loved watching him direct our young people’s choir. It is so special that we both knew him.

  2. Do you know where his music for Clarinet can be found? I have book 1 of Sacred Solos for Clarinet and Piano, and would surely like the second and others. Is his Christmas music available? Does he have music for violins (for a missionary friend)? Thank you!

    1. Hi Vivian! I have no idea. I will ask a friend who teaches music who also played in the band. Maybe she knows.

  3. Do you know where his music for Clarinet can be found? I have book 1 of Sacred Solos for Clarinet and Piano, and would surely like the second and others.

      1. Hi Vivian, my friend has not been able to find all of Brother Rausch’s music. His music arrangements were very special and it is sad that they are not available.

  4. That was a bless story I enjoyed it as I am sure all those that heard it did may he rest in peace and may all that miss him be helped by the hands of God

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