Preparing for Christmas in 4 Easy Steps

Are these 4 easy steps part of your Christmas preparations?

It is so doable. You really can do this. You can prepare for Christmas without the stress (or at least lessen the stress) and enjoy your kids and family when you do these easy steps!

There is so much to do in the weeks and days before Christmas that we can get so stressed over a holiday that we love. It is so easy to forget the reason for the season!

God gave us the best gift of all by sending Jesus as a baby to earth so that He could die for our sins and give us Eternal Life.

But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. Hebrews 2:9

The cross that Jesus died on has everything to do with the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes on that first Christmas so long ago. I don’t want to lose sight of that!

We have all sinned and blood must be shed to cleanse us from all guilt.

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23

That is the reason that I love to celebrate Christmas so others can experience Jesus at Christmas the same way I do.

Do you believe in Christmas? Or do you just celebrate it with gifts from Santa?

As you shop, wrap, bake, mail Christmas cards, and go to Christmas events, include Jesus and don’t forget the real meaning of why we are celebrating this year.

Here are some tips that will help you prepare for Christmas with a whole lot less stress!

4 Easy Steps for Preparing for Christmas this Year

  1. Do something every day – Don’t procrastinate. Make a list of what you have to do and get started by doing something every single day. Work hard this week instead of the last week before Christmas so you can enjoy those last few days.
  2. Avoid staying up late on Christmas Eve – Stay up late now instead of on Christmas Eve! Wouldn’t it be nice to come home from your Christmas Eve service without having to stay up to wrap presents?
  3. Start Early – Even if you haven’t started to prepare for Christmas yet, you can get so much done if you consistently buckle down each day.
  4. Tips – Try to keep up with wrapping presents, keep in mind the parties that are coming up, and wrap the gift (if you are to bring one) before you are ready to walk out the door!! Ask me why I said that?!

A Christmas Bootcamp that you will love!

Our bootcamp is designed to help you make the most of your Christmas season. So don’t wait any longer – join the Christmas Bootcamp today and make this year’s Christmas season one to remember!

Creating Christmas Calm Bootcamp

Get unstuck from overwhelm, live fully calm, as you prepare your heart, and plan for a seamless experience between now and December 25th!


These tips will get you well on your way to preparing for Christmas in a few easy steps!

BUT. My tips are not finished because I know that you have some tips to share too!

What have YOU found that works in preparing for Christmas without leaving too much to the last minute?

Do you ever feel ordinary or even like you’re not enough? Mary was an ordinary teenage girl who was chosen by God to be pregnant with baby Jesus. She was asked to do the extraordinary. This will challenge you to go from being ordinary and ready to do the extraordinary for God. This is a must-watch!!

CHRISTMAS ROUND-UP: Read more Christmas posts HERE!!

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