3 Creative Bible Journaling Tips When You Have No Artistic Ability

Are you new to Bible journaling and ‘think’ you have NO artistic ability? You’ll learn 3 simple tips that will give you the confidence to get started!

God is artistic and loves when you use the abilities he graciously gave you to illustrate how He spoke to your heart. Bible journaling isn’t about artistic ability but creatively expressing your worship to God.

It isn’t about your artistic ability, it’s about your heart!

3 Creative Bible Journaling Tips When You Have No Artistic Ability

 Are you almost totally new to Bible journaling and you ‘think’ you have NO artistic ability? Maybe you’re NOT artistic!

Your level of creativity isn’t important. If you’re a beginning artist and not very confident about your ability – you’re in the right place.

Today I’ll be sharing a tip or two. This will be for beginners but even if you are more advanced, you’ll get inspired through this short tutorial.

I’m sharing a few of my favorite Bible journaling hacks for the art-challenged artist.

Are you that art-challenged? Join the club!

These amazing tips and techniques will jumpstart your Bible journaling when you have no artistic ability.

You’ll find a LOT of FUN ideas for you to consider!

Finding Supplies to Uplevel Artistic Ability

Finding artistic supplies is easier than you think!

Have you looked around your house for odds and ends to use in your journals? These are great when you want to uplevel your artistic ability.

I love finding scraps of yarn, old stationery, or my kids’ abandoned craft supplies.

I hope you’ll find some simple but amazing ideas that will give you the courage to start journaling. If you already do creative journaling art, what’s holding you back?

  • Time?
  • BusYness?

If I gave you some amazing suggestions of items you can find around the house, would you start?

1. Greeting Cards and Calendars

Do you save your greeting cards and calendars? If not, then start!

If you’re not the most artistic person on the block, you’ll love journaling using old greeting cards. It’s a great way to get out of a rut and your creative ability will begin to grow.

It’s also a great way of recycling what could have been thrown away.

Did you know that most people who lived through The Great Depression had so little that they learned to be thrifty? We could use skills like that! Instead, we go off to Walmart and buy more stuff!

I have a box where I keep old greeting cards and things cut out of old calendars and other paper items that look appealing.

When you need an inspiring idea, sift through the box for something exciting that fits the verse you will illustrate. Then glue one or several of your ‘finds’ into your Bible or notebook and create a journal that will remind you of the verse that spoke to your heart.

I use glue sticks or double-sided tape to place the pictures I cut out into my Bible. I actually love how my Bible begins to get fatter and more loved.

I often combine hand-lettering (well, usually my own handwriting) to copy part of the verse onto the page. It really turns out quite attractive no matter what you think your ability level really is!

In the journal below, I used a floral design that I cut out from an old planner from Time-Warp Wife.

I wrote out my verse and used watercolors to add flowers to my journal. Your journal would be beautiful simply with the verse written in black in your very own handwriting.

3 Creative Bible Journaling Tips When You Have No Artistic Ability
The fear of the Lord leads to life,
and whoever has it rests satisfied;
he will not be visited by harm. Proverbs 19:23

2. Stamp Art Supplies Helps Artistic Ability

One day I found a whole bin of stamps hidden deep in a closet. What an exciting moment as I realized these could be used when you have no artistic ability.

  • Alphabets
  • Shapes
  • Flowers
  • Flourishes
  • Hearts
  • Designs used with ink on your Bible or notebook

I’m actually not the best when it comes to doing Stamp Art in my Bible but you might love it!

If you aren’t artistic at all (I believe you ARE a budding artist) you can use stamps and then color them in using Arteza pencil crayons. Your creativity will start to grow as you choose where to place the stamp and what colors to embellish your art design.

3. Washi-Tape Adds an Artistic Zing!

Don’t you just love. love. love. Washi-Tape?! It adds color and design to your favorite passages that you journal.

But . . . How Do You Start?

Mine is a simple design that is not even perfect. You probably can see how the Stamp Art ink smeared on the hearts at the bottom of the page. I colored them in and erased some of the smears. Then I put an arrow over some of the worst of the smear.

So, why did I share this picture if it is flawed? Because it shows you how God is more interested in your ‘graced imperfection’ than whether you have any artistic ability!

I used the LINES on the Bible page to judge the distance between the letters. I wrote the letters in pencil first and then used Twistables from Crayola to trace over the letters.

The arrows and hearts are stickers. I didn’t even draw them. They were leftover from my Happy Planner.

I used Washi-Tape to do the strip of hearts on the side of the page. I love hearts so this highlights the page nicely.

Choose a Verse to Illustrate

3 Creative Bible Journaling Tips When You Have No Artistic Ability

The purpose of creative Bible Journaling art is to encourage you to enjoy a deeper walk with Jesus.

Choose a verse from your Quiet Time to meditate on as you focus on your Lord. In some cases, you might write out the whole verse but as in this case, I wrote out just the first line.

Whichever you choose, if you highlight the verse in the passage, you will be able to refer to it. Your artwork will help you focus on the main point.

Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness!
You have relieved me in my distress;
Have mercy on me, and hear my prayer. Psalm 4:1

Would like to know more about how to get started in Bible journaling.

If you would like to find a journaling Bible THIS will help you!

What ideas do YOU have to share? How do my simple beginner ideas get your wheels turning?

Let’s keep the conversation going because we all learn as we share!!

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