How To Select A Verse for Bible Journaling



Selecting a verse for Bible journaling is central because without a verse, how will you create? What will you create?

Most of my friends and readers who want to start worshiping God through creative Bible journaling are not really artists.

Is that you?

If so, you’re going to love what I share because more than likely, you need journaling ideas.

So if you don’t have a verse, you’ll be clueless where to begin.

That’s why today I’m sharing my journaling process so you’ll know how to select a verse for Bible journaling.

I think God loves when we want to create art because He has an artistic bent too!

Finding the right verse for journaling can be the hardest part about getting started.

I am not really an artist.

You might not be either!

If you want to know the truth about me, I’ll let you in on a carefully kept secret.

My kids know this about me.

But I know, you would have never guessed!

When it comes to being ‘artistic’ I am a copycat!

Now you know!

I often search on Pinterest!

I bought an amazing book about Bible journaling and a hand lettering book to get me started and get any creative juices that exist in my brain running.

I copy the lettering styles, flowers, hearts, crosses, squiggles, and banners that real artists have used in their designs.

I draw these elements onto the page freehanded (in pencil) and with my own design.

Then I choose the verse (or part of the verse) or words that I want to stand out.

You can do this too!


1. Have Your Quiet Time Before Finding a Verse


I would suggest that you have your Quiet Time before finding a verse. That way your heart will be listening for the verse that the Lord gives to you for that day.

I just studied the parable of the sower in Luke 8:1-15 and wrote about it this week.

Be a good-ground hearer and listen to what God is saying to you.


This is one of my FAVORITEs!


2. What if You Don’t Have Much Time for Journaling?


I know you are busy and that’s O.K.

I am too!

I would love to have the time to do my journaling art every. single. day.

BUT . . . that’s NOT the case!

There are days that I have absolutely no time at all.

There are days that I just pencil in what I will color in on another day.

You can use those little sticky notes to hold the place that you want to come back to draw. I actually have quite a few pages in my Bible where I have penciled in my drawing. More than I’d like to admit.


3. Pray About What Verse to Choose


When I have time to dig into God’s Word, I open a tab on my laptop to Study Light where there is a concordance that I like to use.

I pull my 3-ring binder off the shelf that has my Quiet Time pages somewhat organized. I can say that only because I took a pile of papers, hole-punched and put them in my binder this week!

I reach into my Quiet Time Basket for an actual Bible not the Bible on a device) and start reading it.



I turn off Facebook and ignore any notifications

So, my verse comes out of my time with the Lord as I pray and seek Hisirection for the day.



4. Turn on Some Music and Fill Your Mug!


Just like we are connecting as we talk about journaling and choosing a verse, you are connecting with the Holy Spirit as you work on your page.

Music sets the atmosphere of worship and praise.

My mug is filled just like I want to be filled afresh with the Holy Spirit.




5. Other Ways to Select a Verse for Journaling


When I am journaling in my Bible, I like the verse or part of a verse to reflect a verse on the page that I am drawing on.

Sometimes, I like journaling in an art notebook where there is more space to really get creative.

Here are some other ways to select a verse:


  • Use a concordance to find a word or topic. I once journaled verses about not being weary.
  • Is there a holiday coming up? Design a page about the holiday. Pinterest is a great place for ideas!
  • Join Jesus Journaling on Facebook. It is a wonderful group for sharing your journaling art. Gail Purath from 1-Minute Bible Love Notes leads this group and I help her.
  • Journal sermons from your church services. You are sure to stay awake and pay attention!


The most important thing is to be sure that you include God in your artwork. It isn’t about how well you can draw but about worship, praise, meditation, and memorizing the verse.

Journaling art is trending and there are some who do it to meditate on anything other than Jesus.

You can do this mindlessly even when you are coloring in a favorite Bible verse, or you can do this mindfully as you draw near to God.


Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. (James 4:8)


Do you have an awesome idea to add to what I shared about selecting a Bible verse when you journal? Do you have trouble picking out a verse?

*NOTE: I had the honor of guest posting over at Deep Roots at Home where Jacque Line published this article under the title of Creative Art Journaling: Choosing the Perfect Bible Verse.


Jesus Journaling Workbook
The Jesus Journaling Workbook will encourage you to draw closer to Jesus as you study God’s Word the SOAP Method and worksheets.




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  1. I appreciate you taking the time do help us with these really great tips… I am so going to journal that verse you shared here!! James 4:8 love it how True it is! Thank u for sharing this!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping over Cat. I’d love to see your journaling art when it is complete over on the Facebook group, Jesus Journaling.

  2. I love this! Thank you, Judith, for allowing me to share it over at Deep Roots at

    1. Jacqueline, it was an honor that you asked to share this post on your blog. I hope and pray that many will find what I shared helpful as they grow closer to the Lord.

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