How Do We Carry On When Life Seems Pointless?


How Do We Carry on When Life Seems Pointless


How do we carry on when life seems pointless? Do we just quit and throw in the towel or do we keep trudging on with life?

I have a friend who we’ll call, Tria.

If you knew her you would see how she has everything going against her.

She struggles with unimaginable health issues that have given her a handicap and altered her lifestyle.

There are times when it is impossible to see her in church, as she just doesn’t make it out.

Often when I ask her how she’s doing, her answer is filled with thankfulness for all that God had done for her!

Why didn’t she say that her life was pointless?

She had so many issues yet she looked to God for her strength!

I don’t know if she has ever struggled with bitterness, anger towards God or those around her because I have only known her few years.

The thing is, I only know the impression she leaves with me when I see her.

From a human perspective, she has every right to carry a chip on her shoulder every place she goes. She has had more than her share of trials and testing.

Has she come out like gold?

She sure has!

Every time I see Tria, she is smiling from ear-to-ear even though she limps and often doesn’t feel well.

She always goes beyond what is expected with a contented loving attitude. She never has a word of complaint and is always smiling and encouraging others.

I asked her once how she is able to be so encouraging. Her answer was that if you listen long enough to others, you will find someone else who has it harder than you!

She also gives credit and praise to God no matter her circumstances!


What to Do When Life Seems Pointless


I recently read Things As They Are by Amy Carmichael and did a review on it. For many years Miss Carmichael’s life has interested me.

Did she look at her life as pointless?

She definitely had it worse than most of us ever will, yet she faced it with courage.

Amy Carmichael reminds me of my friend who is always giving the gift of her smile to others without feeling the need to complain.


CHRIST suffered in the flesh. If those who follow Him in obedience now are called to suffer (as they will be), they can conquer if they `arm themselves with the same mind.’ (1 Peter 4:1)


As I said, Miss Carmichael reminds me of my friend Tria.

In 1931 an accident led to Amy’s illness and increasing physical limitations. For the last twenty years of her life, she was confined to bed. Her unshakeable spirit never failed. She continued to counsel and encourage all who came to see her and wrote many books and innumerable letters during the years she was bedridden.

Do you think Amy struggled from time to time with her situation? She had an incredibly wonderful attitude about what God had allowed in her life through her illness.

Her life wasn’t pointless because she gave it to God. For twenty years, she wrote books even though she was confined to bed!


Total Surrender to God




I have to be honest and say that it isn’t always easy to put on a smile and face the day courageously. It is easier to grumble and complain about what God has placed in my life.

It IS God that allows suffering and painful situations into your life!

We ALL have suffered through something. That is simply what happens in life here on earth.

That is why we can get excited about heaven because all suffering and pain will be gone!

But . . . meanwhile, we have to cope!

The only true way to cope is through total surrender to God of EVERYTHING when life seems pointless!


I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20


How Do We Carry on When Life Seems Pointless

“I wish thy way.

And when in me myself should rise,

and long for something otherwise,

Then Lord, take sword and spear

And slay.”

Amy Carmichael


Have you been looking at your life as pointless because of what you are going through? I’d love to pray for you!




Amy Carmichael 2-Book Set


Experience India through the eyes of Amy Carmichael, a veteran missionary of the early 1900s and founder of Dohnavur Orphanage in this 2-book collection of her early narrative writings.


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