5 Ways to Slow Down this Christmas

 When Your Life is Full at Christmas Time, there are 5 ways that you can slow down and still get things done.

Are you spinning out of control and with little time for anything extra?

My life couldn’t be fuller right now and I have hardly any time to write (except that a bit of inspiration hit) I thought I’d share how overwhelming Christmas can become.


My life is full to the brim (and did I say overflowing too?!) and I am sure yours is too.

In fact. You probably don’t even have time to read what I am sharing today.

BUT . . .

You are desperate because you are sinking fast and losing your joy in the middle of your favorite season!!

Mostly . . .  experience on how to over-stress, obsess, and become overwhelmed.

That ought to count for something because the Bible never said that the Titus 2 woman had it all together. She has only ‘arrived’ through trial and error.

Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled. Titus 2:3-5

I want this Christmas to be the most relaxed one yet. At least if you try doing these things and you are still up late Christmas Eve, just remind yourself how things would have been worse if you hadn’t even tried!!

I want to enjoy each moment because I am well-rested and relaxed. I don’t want to repeat the mistake I made for years by staying up way past midnight on Christmas Eve.

Getting into God’s Word each day will help all your other Christmas preparations go much better.


5 Ways to Slow Down This Christmas

  1. Pick up but don’t deep clean – When you decorate, clean the room or area but don’t waste time deep cleaning. Picking up the clutter goes a long way in making a room look clean. You are adding many tasks to your schedule this month so don’t obsess.
  2. Quickly clean 2-3 areas each day – Tackle the problem areas like the kitchen and living room. Pick up the clutter and vacuum but remember don’t obsess. Don’t forget to include the bathroom(s) each day and take 5 minutes to do a quick fix.
  3. Don’t stress and obsess. Work to get everything done BEFORE Christmas – I want to enjoy Christmas instead of being stressed. This was my goal even when my kids were growing up even though I did a LOT last minute. It could have been worse. Do what you can and it will be better than total procrastination. You are making memories for your children. They might remember the special things you baked, how you decorated, and how you made sure they had gifts.
  4. Get your shopping DONE!! You don’t want to be at Walmart last minute frantically searching for gifts. It’s better to get as much as possible online and especially THIS year!  It’s nicer and safer to be home baking.
  5. Start wrapping EARLY! instead of staying up all night Christmas Eve! I always started wrapping as soon as possible. Some years that ‘sooner’ was ‘later’ but I always started before Christmas Eve. It’s wise to limit the number of gifts you give each child on your list. It keeps you from credit debt too! If you use a *Sharpie to label the gift you just wrapped is simpler and cost-effective. Have you ever had to unwrap a gift because you neglected to label it? Seriously. Marking the child’s name with a Sharpie worked for me rather than buying pretty labels.

A Christmas Bootcamp that you will love!

Our bootcamp is designed to help you make the most of your Christmas season. So don’t wait any longer – join the Christmas Bootcamp today and make this year’s Christmas season one to remember!

Creating Christmas Calm Bootcamp

Get unstuck from overwhelm, live fully calm, as you prepare your heart, and plan for a seamless experience between now and December 25th!


Getting a head start and not procrastinating will allow you to slow down this Christmas.

Grab a mocha or your favorite tea and sit down and relax. Resting goes a long way in reserving your energy level!

Challenge: Work on the 5 ways to slow down this Christmas so you don’t stress and obsess as Christmas approaches.

CHRISTMAS ROUND-UP: Read more Christmas posts HERE!!

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