When Worry Gets the Better of You


When Worry Gets the Better of You


God actually commands us not to fear or worry in the Bible. Why?

As mothers, we tend to worry about all sorts of little and big things. We are given two little words, ‘fear not’ over 80 times in the Bible and most likely because the enemy of our soul uses fear to decrease our hope and limit our victories!

Today we are going to change that!

We are going to arm ourselves with God’s Word so that we are prepared when the battle of worry rages in our hearts.


How Does Worry Get the Better of You?


What kind of situations triggers worry?


  • Your newborn is a preemie with underdeveloped issues!
  • Your daughter just left for college and will she meet the right kind of friends?
  • Your husband lost his job and the bills are piling up!
  • You or your husband have serious health issues!


Situations like this easily get the better of you!

But . . . what is the difference between worry and anxiety?

Worry is something you experience in your head and maybe you put into words.

Anxiety is something that you feel in your body.

The reason why you don’t want worry to get the better of you is because when it moves into anxiety, it can produce health issues like cardiovascular responses.

Allowing God to totally control your emotional responses and to fully trust in Him is important to your overall health.

But . . . this isn’t about health, it is about allowing God to have full control of your tendency to worry.


Getting the Better of Worry with God’s Word


But if we hope for what we do not yet see, we wait for it patientlyIn the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know how we ought to pray, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans too deep for words. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.… Romans 8:25-27


This verse gives the keys on how to get the better of worry:


  • Hope for what we do not see!
  • Wait patiently for it!
  • The Spirit helps us in our weakness!
  • We do not know how to pray!
  • The Spirit intercedes for us!
  • The Spirit intercedes for the Believers!


Do you ever feel inadequate when you are praying with other women? I always do!

That’s alright!

All you have to do is to hope and wait! The Spirit of God will do the praying through you and for other Believers and the unsaved.

The ‘words’ you choose when praying isn’t what it’s about at all!

It is better to pray a simple fervent prayer than a prayer filled with all the right words that you mindlessly prayed.


Bible Verses to Arm Yourself Against Worry


For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who was tempted in every way that we are, yet was without sin. Hebrews 4:15

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints— Ephesians 6:18

For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you. Matthew 10:20


For me, prayer is the way that I keep from allowing worry to get the better of me.

It isn’t ‘foolproof’ but that isn’t the fault of prayer or God. The problem is that “I” get in the way!


Does worry get the better of you from time to time? What verses help you in your fight against worry?

Are you living fearlessly because your hope is in God? How can you trust Him more?



The Jesus Journaling Workbook (70+ pages) 


The Jesus Journaling Workbook will encourage you to draw closer to Jesus as you study God’s Word using the S.O.A.P. Method and beautiful worksheets to interact with God. The beauty of this workbook is that it can be used with any Bible reading plan you choose.


Jesus Journaling Workbook
The Jesus Journaling Workbook will encourage you to draw closer to Jesus as you study God’s Word the SOAP Method and worksheets.









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