How David Demonstrates Faith in Living Fearlessly + Video


How David Demonstrates faith in Living Fearlessly + Video


This story demonstrates perfectly how living fearlessly like David and Goliath can be applied to the struggles in your life.

It is amazing to me how getting into God’s Word allows the Holy Spirit to speak to my heart. THIS week, THIS particular story of David was EXACTLY what I needed.

God knew that someone else’s armor someone else’s armor wouldn’t have fit me for what I was up against.

If David had worn King Saul’s armor into battle, it would have been like relying on his own strength.

Instead, David said that Saul’s armor wasn’t ‘tried’ and that he couldn’t walk in it!

What are you facing today?

Is it your relationship with your husband?

One of your children?

Your health?


THIS story EXACTLY what YOU need!

Where does courage come from when you are struggling with situations that come against you?

When fear towers over you and threatens like Goliath and you feel like running to hide.

Where is courage then?

The last few days we have been looking at 1 Samuel 17:1-30 for the answers to these questions.


David was NOT Self-Confident!


Contrary to what many people think, David was not self-confident and filled with self-esteem that would give him the courage to stand up to Goliath.

He was humble. Just a very young shepherd boy who had not finished growing.

Isn’t that just like you? You haven’t finished growing spiritually, have you? Yet, God can fill you with His courage to stand firm in the battles of your life and be victorious because of Christ living in you!

David demonstrated that his courage was from his faith in God to give victory.


David Demonstrates Deep Faith!


In this story, David demonstrates deep faith in God. That was the difference between him and the Israelite men in Saul’s army. They demonstrated fear and lacked the confidence that they could slay Goliath.

Do you have the kind of fear that lacks the confidence to face the Goliath in your life this week? Here are 10 verses for living fearlessly + free printable that demonstrates faith-living!

I hope this video will encourage you to demonstrate the faith in God so you can live fearlessly each day for the rest of your life!


Not being frightened in any way by your opponents. This is a sign of destruction for them, but of your deliverance—and this is from God. Philippians 1:28 (HCSB)

What demonstrates your faith the most by living fearlessly like David?


I shared this video in my Facebook group and I thought would be perfect to share with you! Hope this blesses you as this study on Living Fearlessly has helped me to draw closer to Jesus. David really demonstrates how to live fearlessly by putting faith in God instead of armor that doesn’t fit.


The Living Fearlessly Bible Reading Plan printable

demonstrates how to walk in courage

and God’s strength during these trying and uncertain times.


How David Demonstrates Faith By Living Fearlessly + VIDEO



Watch this video about how David demonstrates his faith in living fearlessly and be sure to SUBSCRIBE!!





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