4 Things You Can Do To Cope With Pain In Your Life

4 Things You Can Do To Cope with Pain in Your Life
Coping with pain is something that most of us will have to do at some point in our life. As moms, this can bring challenges as we must continue to cope with responsibilities in our everyday life.

Pain may be either emotional or physical.

Either way, it can make it hard to cope with your everyday responsibilities.

Pain can be in your heart or because of chronic illness or injury.

Today I am sharing an experience I had when I broke my clavicle but if you stick with me you might be encouraged in your situation.

When Pain Makes It Hard To Cope

One moment I was riding my bike and the next moment I had fallen hard on my shoulder and was laying on our dirt driveway in extreme pain.

It only takes a fraction of a second to change the course of your plans for the summer or the course of your life because something happened beyond your control.

Have you experienced pain in your life because of:

  • The loss of a loved one?
  • A chronically ill spouse or child?
  • The hurt caused by divorce?
  • Pain due to chronic illness?
  • Or pain because of an injury?
  • Some other cause?

Coping With Pain

The morning after I broke my clavicle, I lay in bed not knowing how I would make my bed, do laundry, clean the bathroom or wash the kitchen floor.

It was a helpless feeling!

Dealing with both physical or emotional pain can lead to depression when you just simply cannot cope.

Your family still needs meals cooked, laundry washed, the house cleaned and all you can do is NOTHING but sit or stay in bed!

4 Things You Can Do To Cope

I don’t have all the answers because this is not an easy situation to be in.

Unfortunately, other women are way too busy these days. Friends and neighbors might not even know you are struggling!

If only ONE woman would make a difference in a younger woman’s life (or an older one) for that matter.

  1. Just do what you can and don’t stress over the rest. Seriously? Yes, I mean it. Slimdown your calendar and routine. Just do what you can for a season.
  2. Don’t expect or pressure your husband to help. I haven’t totally learned this one but it would help. It would be better to teach your children to help (mine were awesome) than to think your husband should help after a long day at work. If he offers to help in some way, it will be all the sweeter.
  3. Focus your eyes on Jesus, not yourself. It is so easy to get all wrapped up in your own issues. Have you ever met someone who complains constantly? It sets the tone and brings everyone down. Even though you are facing pain in your life each day, listen and ask others how they are really doing and you will be so blessed. You will find that it is such a blessing to encourage those you meet. You will also find others have problems worse than your own.
  4. Start your day with the Lord.  After I broke my clavicle, I lay in bed each morning, totally overwhelmed as I thought of the things I couldn’t do. Once I spent time in God’s Word, my day didn’t seem so overwhelming. That didn’t change what I was unable to do. Those things didn’t have the power to overwhelm me any longer because I gave it all to the Lord!
  5. Strengthening verses to empower you. Here are a couple verses that the Lord brought to my mind to help me cope with my pain. I hope they will also strengthen and equip you as they have me.
And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9
4 Things You Can Do To Cope with Pain in Your Life
And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
4 Things You Can Do To Cope with Pain in Your Life
Are you struggling with emotional or physical pain? Do you have a verse that you have claimed to strengthen you during this season?

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