Simple Bible Journaling When Time is Limited


Simple Bible journaling is the thing to do when your time is limited. You will be inspired to copy a verse, cross-references, and more!

Life can be so full and it would be easy to fall into just reading a few verses and saying a quick prayer for your Quiet Time, right? Simple Bible journaling is the way to go when your time is limited.


Simplicity in Bible Journaling when Time is Limited


What if I shared something that I have been doing recently as I am finding my time more limited than ever? You might be finding less time too!

BUT . . . What if there is not as much time that day?

Sitting for a couple of hours to draw is just not an option every. single. day.

BUT . . . you still want to draw near to God!


Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. James 4:8


So . . .

If you are in a season where your time is limited, maybe this will be the thing for you!

Your Quiet Time is More than a Bible Reading Plan


There are many Bible reading plans out there and there isn’t anything wrong with them.

This year I have been reading through the Bible using the Discipleship Reading Plan.

BUT . . .

Your Quiet Time can easily become an item to cross off your ‘To-Do List!’

Have you found this to be true?

That is why I am slowing down and using a notebook.

AND . . .

I’m giving myself permission not to keep up with the plan.


The whole purpose of my Quiet Time is to draw near to God. If I am not doing that, then reading my Bible is just ‘works’ and will burn up as rubble!


If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire. 1 Corinthians 3:15

Simple Bible Journaling Ideas


Simplicity in Bible Journaling when Time is Limited


Andrea Sanchez Downs is a member of Jesus Journaling (a Facebook Group) and she shares amazing her amazing journal where she often draws designs and pictures on the sides, top or bottom of her page.

If you want to keep your Quiet Time simple while experiencing and knowing His presence, you might want to implement these ideas.

Do you have a notebook? I actually like using one of those pretty journals. You might have one that has just a few pages written in that you can repurpose. If not, Walmart, an office store, or Amazon will have something for you!

Do you have a favorite life-verse?

I have two life verses that I often write at the beginning of my notebook.

Since I have been journaling in my Bible for the last couple of years, I had search for a notebook. I found one that I had only a few pages used. So I tore them out and set them up for my Bible journal.

You don’t necessarily have to buy a notebook. Use what you have on hand and keep it simple!


Simplicity in Bible Journaling when Time is Limited


Here is another journaling page in Andrea Sanchez Down’s notebook. She is a member of Jesus Journaling on Facebook. She is so artistic and loves to encourage other women that this is so doable!!


More Simple Journaling Ideas


Simplicity in Bible Journaling when Time is Limited


Andrea Sanchez Downs is a member of Jesus Journaling on Facebook and shares how you can copy verses or sometimes she shares sermon notes and illustrates them. I love how she mixes copying verses with a little artwork or designs. She makes her journals beautiful while keeping them simple.


  1. Choose a notebook!
  2. Make a title page by giving your notebook a name, writing your name, date you began!
  3. Daily entries like a diary to Jesus each day you spend time with Jesus! Copy one or two Bible verses, copy a cross-reference verse or write what you think of the passage, you could also write out a prayer.
  4. Decorate the top, bottom, or side with a design or drawing – simplicity is the word here!
  5. If you can’t draw, use Washi Tape, stickers, or cut out parts of cards that friends have sent you. What a great way to remember and keep the card where you can return to see it!


Simplicity really CAN be the answer so long as you do what you have time for. You can do as little or as much as you want, depending on how limited your time is.

Remember that your Quiet Time is time with Jesus and if you are just doing it to cross off an item on your To-Do-List, you have missed your appointment with your Savior!

I am going to be talking about this more, so come back to see what I will share. For now, simplicity is the ‘key’ because I am getting ready for another road trip and time is limited!!


What ideas do you have that you can add in the comments? Do you have anything you would like me to write include next time I share about Bible journaling?

Resources for Simple Bible Journaling


Maybe you don’t have a notebook to repurpose and maybe you don’t live near the store either! These are beautiful without breaking the budget!

These notebooks are beautiful while keeping the price affordable. You don’t even have to leave home to find pretty journaling notebooks.




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