Learning How To Pray Like Elijah For God To Provide


Learning how to pray like Elijah for God to provide is much like working out for 30 minutes a day. It is hard.



Learning How To Pray Like Elijah



Each day I go downstairs and turn the screen on that streams my digital workout. I exercise for 30 minutes although most days my body screams “NO!”

Why is it that even 5 minutes of concentrated prayer can be almost impossible to do?

To be honest, I struggle to pray. I pray a little here and there all day but I want to learn how to really really pray fervently like Elijah.


God Provides Through Elijah’s Prayer Life!


Elijah lived an adventurous life – if you take a good look!

Have you ever had ravens deliver your food? He did!

God uses a widow-woman to provide his food. In Baal’s country, no less!

He had an insane record of prayers being answered! He prayed and the widow’s son was raised from the dead!

He struck 450 false prophets down to their death!


God Provides Rain!


The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening; and he drank from the brook. I Kings 17:6

God Provides!!

Have you ever gone through a time when there was no rain?

When I was a little girl, I remember that twice there was a severe drought where there was very little water in the reservoirs. The dirt lining the sides of the reservoirs was dried and cracked.

We had running water every four days and for only four hours.

We filled up the tub, sink, and all sorts of containers.

Chinese refugees who had escaped to the British Crown Colony of Hong Kong (where I lived) from communist China lived in shacks along the mountainsides.  They had to carry water to their homes.


A deep impression was left on my heart.


A water shortage doesn’t favor either those who have more or those with less.

In the story, 1 Kings 17:1-7, God cared and provided for Elijah during the years during Ahab’s reign when there was no rain.

God told Elijah to live along the brook Cherith and commanded the ravens to feed him.

The ravens brought bread and meat to eat every morning and evening. Elijah drank from the brook.


God Will Provide for You!



Learning How To Pray Like Elijah for God to Provide



You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. John 13:13


Can you think of a time when God provided for you?


Maybe you are lacking faith for God to provide for you as you go through something hard in your life!


One of my grown children is going through something extremely difficult in her life,  yet God is able to work for her good. He may not answer our prayers the way we feel is best but the way He feels is best in light of eternity.

God doesn’t change and He is able to provide for your needs even today!

He is still the God of the miraculous!

Would you like to learn to pray? These 6 war room Bible verses for fervent prayer might help you learn.


Do you want to learn how to pray like Elijah for God’s provision in your life? If you would like me (and others) to pray for you, please drop a comment below because I would love to do that!


The Prayer Printable Pack

is a set of four beautiful digital printables

to draw you closer to God in prayer.

This is a self-directed study for 30 days

with verses to help pray more fervently.



Prayer Printable Pack


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