How To Glorify God in Your Bible Journaling

If you have been reading my blog for even a short time, you will have noticed that I love Bible journaling. In fact, I try to post about it once each week.

How To Glorify God in Your Bible Journaling

We were created to glorify God in everything we do and for me, that includes Bible journaling.

I love doing a Pinterest search to bring up beautiful creative artwork in a journaling Bible or notebook. It inspires me.

I also enjoy Facebook journaling art groups that are for Bible journalers. In fact, I am the owner of Jesus Journaling where people share their drawing or painting along with the Bible verse that spoke to their heart.


Léia Silva is a Jesus Journaling contributor 

Lately, a trend has been growing where the artist colors or paints over the Words on their Bible.

When I was 15, I went to a Bible study before going to school. I had grown up overseas where the Bible was treasured and so I was shocked to see the Bibles slide across the floor in order to hand them out!

When you grow up around communism and know that people died and were tortured for Christ, it is a shocking thing to see little respect for God’s Word.

We were taught never to set other books or items on top of your Bible.

The cost of the Bible coming to us was high and paid for in drops of blood!

But today, people are much younger than me and don’t remember a time where people in China had only two pages in a Bible to share with each other. True story!

Their Bible was a priceless treasure and they desired to glorify God in how they took care of it.

Reasons to NOT Color Over Words

When I have seen artwork that covers the Words to the point that they can’t be read, I often think that the artist does not realize there are reasons NOT to.

If you are one who has done this, that is OK, we grow and learn on our journey through life.

  • Your artwork is a testimony to Jesus!
  • You WANT others to read the passage!
  • God’s Words in your Bible are Living Words!
  • The purpose of your artwork is to glorify God!

That is why I think to glorify God, you won’t want to color or paint over God’s beautiful Words in your Bible.

Glorify God Through Bible Journaling Art

How to glorify God through your Bible journaling art really doesn’t have to do with talent. Your life is a gift from God and we have been given the ability to be creative.

It is like singing. You may love to sing but not have the most beautiful voice. That doesn’t mean that you don’t sing. You glorify God through your singing even if you have a monotone voice.

Corrie Potgieter is a Jesus Journaling contributor

Journaling art is relaxing as we draw or paint and come into God’s presence.

It is a wonderful way of glorifying God as we share what we have created through the artistic ability that has been given us.

It is a way of sharing a verse in a manner that stands out.

It is also a wonderful way of getting children involved with God’s Words and bringing them alive through art.

Esther is a Jesus Journaling contributor

Have you ever tried to draw or paint since you were a child? Many of us (including me) never drew a thing since childhood.

It is a wonderful way of reducing stress as we meditate on God’s Word. When we spend time in God’s presence, God is magnified.

Do you enjoy doing Bible journaling art? If you haven’t started, when are you going to start?

*All artwork was used by permission from the artists who contribute to Jesus Journaling, a Facebook group.


Gail Purath from 1-Minute Bible Love Notes

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