Bible Journaling Art for Anyone


Bible Journaling Art is for Anyone including YOU!! The good news is that you don’t even need to be artistic to get started. All you have to do is have a deep love for Jesus and want to express your love and worship in response to what you read in the Bible.

I have been coloring in my new Journaling Bible and loving it.

The amazing thing that many moms are finding is that they love to color. Their artistic skills have been dormant since elementary school and the business of life has caused the things they once loved to be forgotten.

It is time to awaken the forgotten love of creating something beautiful.

Why not do it as a way of worshiping God and internalizing into our hearts as the Holy Spirit is speaking to us each day as we read His Word?


Bible Journaling Art for Anyone


What is Bible Journaling Anyhow?


A journaling Bible has wider margins so there is room to keep notes. Before coloring or painting in your Bible went viral, people used to jot down notes in these margins.

I began seeing Bible journaling on several blogs and on Pinterest. If you Google Bible journaling images you will find many examples there too!

You can also join my Facebook group, Jesus Journaling where we share our Bible journaling art. Membership is for anyone who loves to do journaling art and loves Jesus.

There are many ways to be creative in your journaling Bible and many methods.

There are as many art supplies and tools for this creative venue as can be imagined. The sky is the limit!



For wisdom will come into your heart,
    and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul;
 discretion will watch over you,
    understanding will guard you,
 delivering you from the way of evil,
    from men of perverted speech. Proverbs 2:10-12


My Journaling Bible


After Christmas, I ordered a KJV Journaling Bible and waited with anticipation for it to arrive. It never came. After two months I did some research and ordered another one.

I am so happy with my Holman Journaling Bible because there is a two-inch space in the margin for drawing.

I also love that there is just one column for the print. It just seems to make reading so much easier.

I will share all about it in another post!

Do You Color or Paint?


Do you prefer to use pencil crayons and color or paint in your Bible or notebook?

Both are wonderful ways for spending time with Jesus after reading God’s Word.

There are some real artists out there in the journaling world who paint some awesome pictures in their Bibles.

I have never tried painting in my Bible. Yet.

I am just a kid in a grownup’s body and coloring brings contentment and relaxes my spirit while I meditate on what I just read in my Bible.


1 Corinthians 2-2-3


For I decided to know nothing among you except

Jesus Christ and him crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:2


Examples of Journaling Art


Scrolling through Pinterest is the best ever way of working up that creative gene inside of you. Although at this moment you may not have a creative bone in your body, I really believe you have it in you to be even slightly artistic. I really do believe in you!

God is our Creator and He created you to create.

Your ‘art’ doesn’t have to be a Picasso!

But if you want my opinion (thank you for asking) I think his art is kind of ugly. So if his work is considered art, even if your art is kind of imperfect, God will be pleased!

Did you click the link above to see Picasso’s artwork?


Here are two examples of my passion to express my love for the Lord and His Word through art.


In the first one, I took my gel pens and drew around the verse, then colored it in with my Crayola Twistable Crayons. Then I doodled with a pencil to outline my drawing for the verse that spoke to my heart.

When I do the larger letters, I leave extra room to make them fatter. It looks hard to do this but with practice, you’ll get better and better.

I colored all of it in using my favorite pencil crayons.


Bible Journaling Art for Anyone

So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three;

but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13


This journal is quite different from the others. This shows you how UN-artistic you can be and still call it journaling art!


Around the edges is Washi-tape.



The lettering is on top of pink cardstock cut out from an old planner.

I did the lettering with my own handwriting. So imperfect yet it reminds me of how my perfection is in Christ.


Bible Journaling Art for Anyone


Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.

The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17


I hope you join me in being creative as you study God’s Word. Interact with His Word while worshiping Jesus through your creativity.

I hope to be sharing more about Bible journaling in the days and weeks to come as time permits. Thanks for joining me today!



Basically, the sky is the limit and you can create using just about anything you can find on hand in your home. Hobby Lobby has fun things for journaling but my favorite is shopping on Amazon because stores are an hour from me.

Did you get some new ideas? Are you a seasoned Bible journaled or are you getting started?

I’d love to encourage you, so hang around and see what I share each week here on my blog!



Were you inspired to creatively express yourself in response to reading God’s Word? 


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