3 Important Reasons to Find Your Sweet Spot

A sweet spot is that place where you can get alone

from the chaos and think or do something for you.


Here are 3 important reasons to find it!


Why is it important to find your sweet spot? You are probably wondering what a *sweet spot is in the first place!

A sweet spot is that place where you can escape from the chaos of your life and sometimes that is your kids and even your husband {GASP!}

It’s a place (even in the bathroom) where you can get alone (without guilt) and do something for just YOU. It helps to regroup and recharge!

When your children are growing up, your time is constantly in demand and you often don’t have much time to give to the things you are most passionate about.

I get that!


3 Important Reasons To Find Your Sweet Spot



1. Self-Care is NOT Always Selfish


Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30


It wasn’t long ago that I was raising and homeschooling seven children. In fact, I only left that season of my life a few short years ago.

As much as I loved motherhood, it was the most stressful time of my life. The demands on me were at an all-time high and I usually did not get much time for myself.

I am passionate about encouraging other moms through their journey, and that is what I hope to do for you today.

Do you know how important it is to carve out even a small amount of time each day for yourself?

I usually neglected myself and the stress I created might have been avoided if I had listened, to my body’s needs.

I would have been able to give more fully to my children (and husband) instead of pouring myself out for them in exhaustion.

Do you know what I am saying?

It is physically and spiritually healthy to find your sweet spot.  Take time for a little self-care so you can regroup, recharge, and energize your attitude and motivation to serve your family.


2. What IS a Sweet Spot?


Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. Proverbs 16:3


The biggest reason you might find it important to find your sweet spot is to get away from the stress you’ve been living with day after day. It can be caused by all you’re doing for your kids or because you have a passion to write or create DIY projects, or maybe you have a small home business.

Your sweet spot is that place where you can work best. It isn’t a location. It is a place where you can work most productively because you have found balance in your life.

For instance, because you have engaged in activities that help you to regroup your heart and soul; you will be so much better at mothering and caring for your family, working outside-your-home, or from home.

What if you are able to sit down and read aloud to your children, totally engaging with them because early that morning you spent time refreshing your heart and soul?

It doesn’t have to be an impossible thing to do.

Finding just 15 to 30 minutes is better than nothing.

You might create a place for your sweet spot at a desk just for you, or a chair beside your bed. A basket filled with your Bible, art supplies, a book or two, and some chocolate tucked at the bottom where the kids won’t find it. This will make your little spot almost like a coffee shop get-away.

You might think of spending some time reading a Psalm or in a devotional book to get your soul-quenching alone-time off to a great start.

Times like these refresh your heart and soul, clearing your mind to write or do something you love with creativity that restores you to be whole. When you hardly take time for yourself, this is not lazy but the reason you absolutely need to find your sweet spot!


3 Important Reasons to Find Your Sweet Spot


3. Activities to Refresh Your Heart and Soul


If you’ve read my blog for any length of time, you know I always point you back to spending time with the Jesus each day.


You will find it easier to go through your day if you start or end your day with the Lord.


Sweet Spot Activity Ideas:


  • Quiet Time – Take 15 minutes and read your Bible and pray!
  • Coloring – Adult coloring books are the thing. They help you to unwind and relax!
  • Read a book – It doesn’t have to be a whole chapter. Set a timer and read for 15 minutes!
  • Make a craft – Making something that you have seen on Pinterest will help you to relax and hit refresh!!
  • Do a puzzle – 300 or 1000 piece puzzle. You can even do one online!
  • Write and share it online – You don’t have to write a book or blog!
  • Start an online business – For some, having an online business can be a sweet spot!
  • Go to a coffee shop – If you can’t get away for a couple of hours, make a mocha latte and sit by the window and read for an hour (and NOT your phone)!!


You would not believe how much more refreshed you’ll be for doing the things repeatedly do each day when you spend time alone.


If you have littles, maybe you can ask your husband to watch them for an hour or two. If not, I hope they take naps. I used to hit refresh at the kitchen table during their naps and regrouped my heart and soul.


3 Important Reasons to Find Your Sweet Spot

4. Finding Your Sweet Spot


Finding your sweet spot comes after you have spent time alone regrouping and hitting refresh. When you go full speed ahead day after day, you will be hitting your stress button and your level of productivity or ability to interact with those around you will be greatly affected.

This is the area where I failed the most and I encourage you to find some alone time each day to de-stress so that you will be more ready to find that sweet spot.

The biggest improvement I’ve made in the last several years is to periodically have times for regrouping my soul and spirit. When I keep pushing and pushing myself, I run dry and have much less to give.

This was true when I was homeschooling our kids and even now. I can keep going and going thinking that if I push through to the finish line, I will get more done. More inspiration will happen.

Nothing could be further from the truth!

Instead of ending my day hoping I’ll have time to myself for a workout and my Quiet Time, I get up as early as possible and workout and read my Bible. The quickest way to reset is an invigorating workout and then sitting down with tea and my Bible.

Then, I can go through my day because I found my sweet spot before the sun came up. I am ready to cook, write, and do all the things.

You might be a night owl and that is perfectly fine. Do you find your sweet spot after everyone is sleeping? Does your inspiration start then?


Do you resonate with the need to find your sweet spot? What ideas can you share that will help you and other moms?


As Christian moms, we need to find our sweet spot in our mothering, working from home (or outside the home), and all for the glory of God.


Get your Psalms Journaling Workbook

Find your sweet spot by getting alone with Jesus at the start of each day!



Psalms Journaling Workbook


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