
5 Calming Solutions for Crisis Eating

Crisis eating is impossible to stop without implementing these 5 calming solutions. Are you struggling with stress? You might find these solutions the best thing in getting you off the spinning hamster-wheel!

When I was about eleven I had a psychotic hamster. I did all the right things in caring for it but this hamster must have had emotional issues. He didn’t want to eat or drink from the allotted places and ended up being suicidal and bit its wrist. Who knows what my hamster’s problems involved it was impossible to tell.

Your issues have solutions and they can be solved by following some of the advice I am sharing with you today.

5 Calming Solutions for Crisis Eating


It doesn’t matter if you’re overweight and could lose some extra pounds or like me, lost 25 pounds a few years back. Even people who don’t tend to gain a lot of weight can end up with health issues.

We all have different sizes and body types. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and that’s where your soul lives. When we think of somebody, we think of what they look like outwardly as being who they really are but their true self is their soul.

So, keep in mind that your body is temporary and although we ought to be a good steward of what God has given us, don’t get too carried away.

You’ll be given a new body when you go to live with Jesus in heaven!

BUT . . . one thing I have noticed in myself is that when I treat my body wrong, by snacking on chocolate chips, it’s often because of stress in my life.

What is Crisis Eating in the First Place?

You might be wondering what crisis eating is in the first place.

Sometimes crisis eating is called stress eating or emotional eating. I shared about stress eating here.

A crisis could be caused by the worldwide pandemic we are facing in 2020 as we are faced with drastic changes to our lives. Literally, around the world, we are all facing similar situations where we must stay-at-home unless we are an essential worker.

Unless you think this is exaggerated by the media or not, the reality is that many of us know personally people who have been sick or maybe even died.

It has affected our finances as many are out of work or furloughed. Some are anxious that they will not be able to return to their jobs.

These things are enough to cause a crisis in each of our homes.

A crisis is caused by problems in:

  • Finances!
  • Marriage relationships!
  • Children/parent relationships!
  • Illness!
  • Tragedy!

Crisis eating can ruin your health. Instead, turn to God to solve your crisis!

5 Calming Solutions for Crisis Eating

You’re Craving Sugary Snacks!

Or maybe for you, it’s salty that pulls you in.

Sugary and salty foods trigger feelings of comfort and happiness in our brains. We are not wired for stress but for happiness. When we eat foods high in sugar (refined or not) the hormone dopamine is released. Stress eating is what happens when we are faced with an uncomfortable situation in our lives.

Not only do chips and chocolate bring a feeling of comfort but they also are addicting. Next time stress hits, we are even more likely to grab that bag of Doritos or candy bar!

Have you wondered why it requires more and more chocolate (or chips) to satisfy you? It is surprising how you can finish off the bag before you realize you are munching, right?

Over time, the amount you need to eat in order for it to be enough increases as the addiction spirals out of control.

In fact, I’ve noticed that satisfaction or ‘enough’ is not reached until the bag is empty.

That is why for me, I have started to make crisis eating something that I pray about. That is why having solutions for dealing with crisis eating are so important.

5 Healthy Snacks Solutions

What good is talking about solutions for crisis eating be without suggestions for healthy snacks?

I don’t have crisis eating totally under control at this point. Before the stay-at-home order hit my area, I was hardly eating any sugar. For me that’s snacking on chocolate chips or making a batch of cookies.

I freeze half the batter or more for another time.

But still . . . I can’t eat more than my share of batter or chocolate chips.

So, I needed to think through how to manage my own crisis eating. Are you finding this beneficial too?

Do you follow a diet? There are so many diets such as Keto, Whole 30, Vegan,  Weight Watchers, and the one you’re on.

These snack ideas may not fit your diet, so please share in the comments what has worked for you.

  1. Banana (zero points on Weight Watchers)
  2. Apple (zero points on Weight Watchers)
  3. Strawberries, blueberries or raspberries – low glycemic index
  4. Almonds (not too many)
  5. Carrots


7 Solutions to Stop Crisis Eating

Eating a bag of Doritos is just not a temptation for me. Did I tell you that I might eat a lot of chocolate chips (but never the whole bag)?!

What is your greatest eating struggle during this pandemic crisis?

Can you stop eating in the midway through the bag? Or do you scroll social media and suddenly realize you reached the bottom of the bag?

It’s really important to get to the bottom of this (not the bag, that is) or you will compromise your health or weight. If you are young, you might not think it is affecting you. Your weight is the same and besides, you feel great!

It takes years to destroy your health. Other times it happens quickly.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made and it’s a good idea to be a good steward of your body.

5 Calming Solutions for Crisis Eating

It’s impossible to see inside your body just by looking in the mirror. You need blood tests and other procedures and even those can miss what’s going on inside.

Here are seven time-proven solutions to stop crisis eating that you’ll benefit from.

  1. Start your day off with lemon water! If you feel like crisis eating try drinking 8 ounces of water first!
  2. Eat breakfast! Start off with breakfast! Avoid sugary cereals. Instead, have oatmeal with molasses or an egg or yogurt with fresh fruit.
  3. Protein is ultra important! It helps you stay full and provides the energy that you need for the day. Fish, beans, or nuts are best.
  4. Drink herbal tea when you are craving sweets. Camomile or green tea are great choices.
  5. Learn to enjoy 70% dark chocolate! Chocolate in small amounts is energizing and when the cocoa content is high, it will not have so many calories.

Calming Solutions for Any Crisis

The whole problem with crisis eating is the endless cycle of eating and not dealing with the underlying cause. When you get to the bottom of why you are stressed in the first place you are ready to find calming solutions.

We all know that the current crisis is the pandemic affecting most of the world.

  • Are you keeping well?
  • Is your immune system holding up?
  • Are you all alright?
  • How is this affecting you?

Get your FREE PRINTABLE for Pandemic Prayer for Fearless Courage!!


Pandemic Prayer for Fearless Courage


  • Is it your job that’s your crisis?
  • Have you lost your job?
  • Have you been furloughed?
  • Have your hours been cut?
  • Have any of the above happened to your husband?
  • Are your kids home from school?
  • Do you homeschool but still feel isolated?
  • Do you work from home and you wish you could go somewhere?

When this crisis is over there will come a time when there will be another crisis in your life. My hope is that this will help you as you deal with crisis eating during any crisis.

This might not seem to have anything to do with crisis eating but it is the only thing that will work seamlessly. Implementing healthy snacks and finding ways to stop crisis eating will go so far.

I do exactly the opposite of what I want to do!

For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do. Galatians 5:17

I need to turn to God!

Talking to God is the most powerful way to stop crisis eating. Here are 6 War Room Bible Verses for Fervent Prayer.

Resources that are Helping Me

Bathe yourself in the Word on prayer. Be encouraged, trained, and strengthened in your prayer life.

You will love these verses because they will teach you to pray through God’s Word!

These 6 verses come on two sheets which can be printed and cut into cards. They can be used as bookmarks or put on the fridge to remind you to culture a heart of gratitude.

prayer scripture cards

Download your Prayer Scripture Memory Cards

During a crisis, it’s so important to take care of YOU!

That’s not being selfish it’s just reality!

Are you filled with anxiety and need to reset to respond with CALM filled with anxiety and need to reset to respond with CALM to all that you are hearing and seeing?

  • link to Crisis Eating Course
  • link to Clean Eating printables

Articles for Further Reading

Why Weight Loss is the Hardest Thing to Do

Weight Loss Motivation and How to Lose 25 Pounds

A Powerful Solution to Weight Loss that Works

How To Curb Stress Eating When You Can’t Stop the Crisis



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