10 Strategies to Start Your Morning Routine Successfully


There are things that I do each morning. BUT . . . to keep my day on track, there are 10 top things that I do to start my morning routine successfully.

I didn’t use to have any particular routine.

I couldn’t keep on track and I wasn’t at all focused.

Some of these 10 things got pushed off to another time and often another day as I procrastinated time and again.

Having a morning routine starts my day off without the stress so that I can smile at the day. If you want your day to start off a little better, maybe some of the 10 things I do could be added to your list.



10 Strategies to Start Your Morning Routine Successfully


1. Get in the Routine of Making Your Bed



Why make your bed when you are just going to crawl back in it tonight?!

It is simply a good habit that makes you look back at your room and smile. It is inviting.

Your bedroom is a place of intimacy for you and your husband (if you are married) and it is so pleasant when your bed is made and the room tidied.

The sheets need to be straightened in my bed almost every day and changed every week or two.


2. Be a Fit Mom and Workout



Being attractive to your hubby starts with moving your body. You choose the workout but whether it is simply walking or doing a workout routine at home or at the gym, find something that works for you and get going!

Working out is good for your serotonin levels and helps you to feel happier.

I like to exercise before having my Quiet Time because it wakes my body and brain up.

Getting healthy isn’t about weight loss as much as about getting everything in line spiritually first.

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Grow Your Faith, Lose the Weight


Get in the Routine of Being Ready for the Day



I don’t know about you, but I think a daily shower is necessary. Cleanliness is the obvious reason but have you ever noticed how relaxing it is to take a shower?

You are by yourself and can pray or sing. It even echoes in the bathroom and will make your voice sound amazing!

Before leaving the bathroom, I get dressed and put my makeup on and any jewelry I will be wearing even though no one is coming over.

I don’t hang out in yoga pants or pajamas. I am ready for my husband to come home at the end of the day. Have you ever noticed how that suddenly sneaks up on you? Be ready at the start of the day!



5. Keep Yourself Spiritually Fit



This is so key to how your day will go. Not that everything will turn out ‘right’ but it helps you to respond right to your day when you start it off with the Lord.

When my kids were little, I made sure to have my Quiet Time before working out. You have to find the order that works for your routine. What works in one season will not work in another.



6. Keep Your Bathroom Pleasant



There is nothing more uninviting than a dirty bathroom!

Do you have to carefully inspect the toilet seat before sitting?

Have you ever had LOTs of toothpaste and hair decorating the bathroom sink?

It really takes only 5 minutes to clean a bathroom each day.

Yes! I wash my bathroom each day. It is easier to clean a clean bathroom than a filthy one!

I wash the sink, toilet and quick wash the floor. I don’t sweep it up, just wash it with a rag made out of an old towel. If you wash the bathroom floor almost every day it won’t be that dirty and you won’t have to sweep too often.



7. Did You Start Your Laundry?



It is easy to forget about starting the laundry and especially if it is downstairs in the basement. It WILL matter when you run out of clothes though.

Isn’t it easier to get into the habit of starting the laundry each day when you do your morning routine?

Just don’t forget to get the laundry totally done!



8. Tackle that Hot Spot!



Do you have trails that your kids left?

Piles of paper?

Clutter that has no home?

If you try to tackle one Hot Spot area each day, gradually and eventually your home will start to look more inviting. A cluttered home can be depressing and can weigh you down.



9. Take Care of Your Health with Supplements



Are you that mom who has no energy and spends a little too much time on the sofa? I don’t mean watching TV but sleeping because you are just exhausted.

It really doesn’t have to be like that!

You are raising your kids for the glory of God and you want to be the very best possible for your husband and kiddos.

I want to live my life in abundant health and so there are things I do so I will be healthier from the inside out. If I live to be 90, I don’t want to live in poor health until my time comes.



10. Get outside



You don’t have to go outside for long. Just get a breath of fresh air breathed into your lungs.

Experience what kind of day it is instead of relying on the weather app on your phone.

I have a young dog that has to be walked and fed each morning. It has been interesting to get outside no matter if it is snowing, raining, or a balmy summer day.



Make Over Your Morning



This might seem to have nothing to do with the devotionals I normally share but I think our routine in the morning is ultra important.

It is so easy to get distracted and pulled away from starting our day off with Jesus. Sooner than you know it the day is half spent and there still isn’t time.

If you get pulled away from your routine, then the pressure mounts and it will be hard to concentrate on your relationship with God. That’s why it’s important to have strategies to start your morning routine successfully.

A couple of years ago I took the course, Make Over Your Mornings by Crystal Paine. I highly recommend that you take it too if you could use a better routine to start your day.


Has this helped you to see how you can have a routine to start your day? How has it helped you?


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