When Your Health Fails Where is Your Strength? + Video


Have you ever thought ahead and imagined a time when your health fails? There is no guarantee that you will always be healthy and so today I am asking you a question.

Today we are looking at just one verse in Psalm 18 to see what God is saying to us.



I looked at the English Standard Version (ESV) and the New Living Translation and found that I loved both verses for the words used to convey what the psalmist was saying as he penned the Words through the Holy Spirit.

You can compare both verses below.


My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26 (ESV)



My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak,
but God remains the strength of my heart;
he is mine forever. Psalm 73:26


I have been enjoying going deeper with God by focusing on one verse instead of a whole chapter. I wouldn’t suggest doing this all of the time but it is a wonderful way of slowing down to soak in a few phrases and words.

It is amazing to see how much depth there is in just one verse!


Who Wrote Psalm 18?


This psalm was penned by Asaph and not David. He was from King Hezekiah’s era and wrote psalms and hymns.


Have You Ever Felt Like Fainting?


We can feel like that after we have physically exerted ourselves or because our finances added up to be much more than expected.

I have felt like fainting with some of the situations teenagers put me through as a parent!

I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Psalm 27:13 (KJV)

So, the psalmist was going through some type of affliction. He felt like he was constantly beaten down by his situation.

Earlier in Psalm 73:14 it says – “For all the day long have I been plagued and chastened every morning.” (ESV)

There is nothing worse than waking up with the day starting off all wrong!

Maybe it was because of indwelling sin, temptations, sickness, disease, finances, teenagers. Your heart may be fainting through the fear you are feeling.


Rest in the fact that God is the strength of your heart and the Rock of your heart.


When you are overwhelmed with distress through inward or outward troubles and when grace seems to be weak, trials strong, and temptations prevail and you are worried about what will happen next, then KNOW that the Lord is with you and will strengthen you and sustain you!


What Happens When Your Health Fails?


When I looked at Psalm 18:26 in the NLT, I saw a new perspective on this verse that I didn’t notice before. A different translation might translate using a different English word and that opens up something new God is saying to your heart.


My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak,
but God remains the strength of my heart;
he is mine forever. Psalm 73:26


I am fairly healthy for my age but it is never something I can count on. Health isn’t about living longer, it is about living what days we are given to God’s glory.


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The psalmist wasn’t in bad health at the time he penned this verse but was looking ahead to the time that his health would dim. This verse seems to be referring to the whole man including body, soul, and heart.


When Your Health Fails, Where Will You Find Strength?


The idea is that when the powers of the body, mind, and spirit fail, where will your strength come from?
The psalmist is imaging the time when his body will fail and asking himself the question, where he will find his strength?
When that time comes that the strength in your body and mind fail, will you find unspeakable joy in God? Will He be your portion?
When you reach that point in your life where your wealth (or lack of it) and all your possessions (and the stuff you have accumulated) will not be useful to you . . .
Where will you find your strength?
At the end of our life, we are stripped down to nothing and all that will count is your delight in Jesus (or not)!
What counts is living in God’s strength NOW while you are healthy so that you have the Rock of His Strength when your body, mind, and spirit grow weak.

You will find this video will strengthen you as you imagine what it will be like when your health fails.


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