Does Joy Have Anything To Do With Happiness?

Is there a difference between true happiness and joy? Well, it depends on who you ask! I am going to show you why you need to have happiness and how it will help you as a wife and mother to find joy and satisfaction in Jesus.

Let’s look at the lives of two different moms. Could one of these moms be just like you?

Mom #1: Life as a mom is so rewarding but it is also filled with struggles. Exhaustion, fussy babies, whiny kids, and a mountain of laundry can taint the picture she once had of motherhood. It can steal her joy, and happiness might not be there when she collapses into bed at night.

Mom #2: Then for the mom whose kids have grown and left the nest, sometimes she finds that she needs to fervently pray each day for grown children who are choosing to walk further and further from God. She finds her strength in the Lord to go on when all seems so bleak, but joy? Happiness? Maybe not!

Are you one of these moms?

Does Happiness have Anything to do with Circumstances?

Some might think that happiness is found in their circumstances. A good job, close relationships, a new car, boat, and a house with trendy furniture. Their happiness is temporary and fleeting but they place their satisfaction in earthly ‘things’ and say they are happy!

But happiness is not found in circumstances. Circumstances change with the wind and are attainable one moment and gone the next. That kind of happiness comes and goes.

What Mom #1 and Mom #2 might not realize is that true happiness isn’t found in perfect kids who never cause her to be worn out and weary.

Regardless of whether her kids are being brats or not, Mom #1 can find true lasting happiness. Even though Mom #2’s kids have broken her heart, she can also find happiness that will heal her hurting heart.

Let’s find if these moms can have joy and happiness even though their situations are tough!

This book by Nancy Leigh DeMoss

really helped me to put gratitude into the right perspective!

Does Happiness have Anything to do with Joy?

“For the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10

There is a huge discrepancy about the use of the word ‘happiness’ where some say, “Happiness is a bubbly and superficial and circumstantial feeling that comes and goes (Randy Alcorn).

The thing is, that historically happiness and joy have been used interchangeably.

Webster’s Dictionary defines joy as happiness and happiness defined as joy!

Mom #1 is exhausted from trying to be a ‘good’ mom and mom #2 is fighting depression from dealing with her grown children.

Neither of them can find happiness in their situation but I can assure you that they can find both joy and happiness!

When they get their eyes off their circumstances and onto Jesus they will find satisfaction in Him instead of what they are facing. As a result, they will find joy and happiness.

True happiness is found in God as a genuine delight in him. It is an unending treasuring of His glory and holiness above anything else that is happening in your life!

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;

Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. James 1:2-3

What brings you joy?

Not happiness, joy!

We can have joy whether all the circumstances in our life are exactly the way we’d like.

True happiness and joy is when you have found contentment and satisfaction in Jesus.

These two mothers were able to find Jesus as their supreme treasure. It gave them lasting happiness and joy that only can be found as they kept their eyes on Jesus instead of the heartbreaking situations in their lives.

The younger mom was able to handle the day-to-day exhaustion and frustrations that come with little children with grace and serenity while the older mom stood firm and prayed instead of fretting over the dysfunctional lives of her grown children.

Both of these moms are me! One was the younger me and the other mom is the older me!

Maybe you see yourself in one or the other of these sweet ladies who long to live without stress because they are allowing God to bring happiness and joy into their lives.

Does this resonate with you? How can I be of encouragement to you?

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  1. Thank you so much! Wish I was allowed to translate it to my blog (because I never heard this message and I will shere it to my Dutch sisters in Christ)

    So happy to read it in the morning. God bless you for writing it!

    1. I am so sorry Aritha! I don’t know anything about how you can be allowed to make a translation. I will be asking a blogging friend if she knows. I am so humbled and thankful that you would want to share this with your Dutch sisters in Christ.

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