
7 Powerful Quotes to Unlock Gratitude From Your Heart

Have you ever noticed how powerful quotes can unlock something deep in your heart? These 7 quotes from Nancy DeMoss Wolgemoth will do just that for you.

That is why you see so many graphics floating through your Facebook or Pinterest feeds with Bible verses and thoughtful or hilarious quotes!

It’s because quotes touch the heart!

Who Doesn’t Love Powerful Quotes?!

A picture with a quote creates an emotional response that imprints the verse into your heart.

A serious quote might resonate and stay with you longer because the picture creates a mental image.

You might identify with an element of truth in that quote that cracked you up! There is always something truthful in a funny quote.

I have seen many books about gratitude on Amazon but they are not all created equal. Often gratitude is connected with an outcome of happiness instead of joy.

It’s not that you can’t be happy.

When happiness embraces gratitude it gives depth to the experience.

Happiness is a bowl of ice cream with your daughter!

7 Powerful Quotes to Unloc Gratitude from Your Heart

Gratitude is being grateful for the memory!

But . . . gratitude without Jesus does not produce the same results. There is something missing when gratitude does not have a solid foundation in Christ.

One book that I have benefited from reading is Nancy DeMoss Wolgemoth’s book called, Choosing Gratitude: Your Journey to Joy. I love this book!

I am going to share some quotes from Nancy’s book in hopes that they will unlock gratitude from your heart.

If you are like me, most likely your heart is bound up by the chains of ingratitude.

When someone does something nice for me, I don’t know what to say. I don’t know how to express how I feel about what they did for me.

If the truth were totally seen in my heart, I am afraid that there might be ingratitude that is locking down my response.

I most likely am not as thankful as I think I am!

Yes, we have probably all been taught to say “Thank you” but how often are we just mouthing those words without truly thinking thankful thoughts?

7 Powerful Quotes to Unlock Gratitude

It really isn’t the powerful quotes themselves that are powerful. These quotes are just words. That’s all.

It is only the Holy Spirit working in your heart that will unlock gratitude.

I would even say that gratitude is not really in your heart at all.

Is sin taking up residence in your heart and does ingratitude need to be rooted out?

These powerful quotes will inspire you!

I have come to believe that a failure to give thanks is at the heart of much, if not most, of the sense of gloom, despair, and despondency that is so pervasive even among believers today. ~Nancy DeMoss Wolgemoth~

7 Powerful Quotes to Unloc Gratitude from Your Heart

Gratitude is a lifestyle. A hard-fought, grace-filled, biblical lifestyle. ~Nancy DeMoss Wolgemoth~

7 Powerful Quotes to Unloc Gratitude from Your Heart

Is the gratitude that flows out of your life as abounding as the grace that has flowed into your life? ~Nancy DeMoss Wolgemoth~

7 Powerful Quotes to Unloc Gratitude from Your Heart

The grateful heart that springs forth in joy is not acquired in a moment: it is the fruit of a thousand choices. ~Nancy DeMoss Wolgemoth~

7 Powerful Quotes to Unloc Gratitude from Your Heart

Ungrateful people tend to hold tightly to their rights. ~Nancy DeMoss Wolgemoth~

7 Powerful Quotes to Unloc Gratitude from Your Heart

True gratitude is NOT an incidental ingredient. ~Nancy DeMoss Wolgemoth~

7 Powerful Quotes to Unloc Gratitude from Your Heart

I can whine – or I can worship!  ~Nancy DeMoss Wolgemoth~

7 Powerful Quotes to Unloc Gratitude from Your Heart

What we really need to release from our hearts is UNTHANKFULNESS and allow gratitude to fill the vacancy.

When you are an ungrateful woman, you are prideful.

An ungrateful woman says, “I deserve much more!”

I want to be a grateful woman because then I will learn to be humble.

I am unworthy of all that God so graciously wants to give me and yet when I feel so unworthy, that is when God will unlock gratitude and fill me with joy!

Psalm 118 is a song of praise to God for his everlasting mercy! If you want to permeate your heart with thankfulness and praise as you unlock gratitude, read and meditate on this psalm.

Then, no matter what you are facing, choose gratitude each day! I am choosing gratitude for my Dad who lived his life to glorify God in all that he did in ministry and marriage. His days on this earth are coming to a close and I will always remember the example of gratitude he set for me!

This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Wouldn’t you love to join me on my journey to gratitude? I’d love if you would join me! Let me know if these powerful quotes inspired you to choose gratitude!

Gratitude As A Lifestyle is a journaling workbook that will encourage you to draw closer to Jesus. It is a fourteen-day workbook that you may complete in two to four weeks. Each day has a short devotional.

Get the Gratitude

Journaling Workbook

It’s hard to have gratitude when your attitude is suffering! That’s why you NEED this for your Quiet Time with Jesus!

You’ll GET:

  • Bible Reading Plan!
  • Journaling Pages!
  • Gratitude List!
  • Bible Verses Printable!
  • Frameable Verse Printable!
  • Journaling Art Page!

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