4 Ways to Neglect Time with God


4 Ways To Neglect Time with God

How is it so easy to neglect time with God when you have every intention of being faithful to your quiet time?

I can make a list of things to do each day and even a schedule but it never really works.

I can’t keep to a schedule that fits neatly into half-hour time slots let alone hour slots.

My day goes more by a routine that starts when I get up.

There are so many extra things that just don’t make it onto a list that I do each day that is part of my routine and these things can postpone and keep me from my quiet time.

When my children were growing up, I HAD to spend time with God almost right away after getting up or that time would quickly disappear.

I have seen ways that I can easily neglect spending time with God and here they are:

4 Ways to Neglect Time with God

  1. Time gets away from you!
  2. Social media takes that time slot!
  3. Leaving time for God until last!
  4. Spending time reading your Bible and praying without BEING with God!

Nothing changes.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and whatever other social media platform you prefer, didn’t exist back a few years ago and the phone wasn’t too smart.

BUT it was easy to spend too much time on the phone with a friend. You weren’t likely to roll over and call a friend before getting out of bed like you can check Facebook on your phone today.

Nothing is new and there were just as many ways to procrastinate or pass up that time alone (or semi-alone) with God.

How NOT to Neglect Time with God

Satan so wants to defeat us!!

If he can get us to neglect to spend time with God we will struggle with patience, irritability, or anger; and we will lose our joy and peace!!

That is why I want to ‘head him up at the pass’ and not live defeated but through victory in Christ Jesus.

  1. Recapture another time slot before the day gets away.
  2. Do NOT get on social media before spending time with God.
  3. Make time with God a priority in your day – like the same time each day if possible.
  4. Don’t just spend time with God. Connect with God during your Quiet Time. Experience and practice His presence.

Victory in Christ Jesus through Bible Verses

4 Ways To Neglect Time with God

Romans 8:37 – Nay, in all these things we are

more than conquerors through him that loved us.

4 Ways To Neglect Time with God

Philippians 4:13 – I can do all things

through Christ which strengtheneth me.

4 Ways To Neglect Time with God

Romans 8:1– There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

1 Corinthians 15:57 – But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

I hope these verses encouraged you today to walk with Jesus each step of the way.

If you might want the Jesus Journaling Workbook for your Quiet TimeJesus Journaling Workbook for your Quiet Time to help you as you read your Bible.

How do you typically neglect to spend time with God? I’d also love to hear how these verses encourage you today.

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