Why I Chose “Praise-Giving” as My One Word for the New Year

Why I Chose Praise-Giving as My One Word for the New Year - 1

We all love the concept of choosing just one word instead of a long list of resolutions.

This past year I chose a hyphenated phrase that takes a noun and a verb, combining them into a word that describes the direction, I think the Lord will be taking me.

For years I have spent time with the Lord on New Year’s Eve with my Bible and a notebook. Then in the days and weeks that follow, I study out the word, look up related Scriptures, and meditate on ways that word is relevant to my life.

I am amazed at how the Lord intertwines my life with Him as I am made a little more into His image each year.

Why Choose One Word Over Resolutions

You might love writing out resolutions that are goal oriented and that is OK. I used to do that and wrote about it here.

Choosing one word gives focus to your resolutions.

You are focusing on one character trait that you want to modify. That is why this year I am choosing a hyphenated noun and verb that modifies those two words.

I want change in my life.

I want more of Jesus.

Focusing on just one thing helps you to reach it. Think of a long list of unreached resolutions.

If you have never chosen just one word, you are going to love this!

Only One Life to Live

Our life is like a vapor and whether we live to be in our 90s or just a few short years, life is over before we know it!

When I was younger, I thought I would always be young.

One day goes into the next and then another year and another until many years have passed.

Even if we are Saved when we are young, we usually do not have a steadfast serious attitude about life until it is too late.

I want to challenge you to take your life seriously because you only have one life to live.

Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last. C.T. Studd

Why Praise-Giving?

Because too often I forget to praise God.

I wanted my word this year to modify and change me. Praise-giving describes what I want to do and puts action into the word. It brings it alive.

As mothers, many of us get caught in the daily grind of dishes, laundry and cleaning the house. We get stuck in the season of life we find ourselves in without being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

If you are honest, you might be snippy with your husband or children.

The day seems endless and long.

Your trials are hard to bear.

We murmur and complain, often falling into depression or despair over the circumstances God placed us in.

I know. I’ve been there too.

I want to practice being a praise-giving woman so that when I get to heaven it won’t seem awkward because I never lived like that on earth.

But . . .

As much as I could learn to praise God more, I could learn to praise those around me more too.

3 Verses on Praise-Giving

My praise-giving should be directed Godward first.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, Ephesians 1:3

As I look on Jesus each morning, I am more apt to reflect His likeness through all that I do and say.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.  Matthew 5:16

This verse is a good reminder of how we can look at those around us. How easy it is to focus on the negative instead of what is praise-worthy in others. That is another reason I want to be a person who learns to be praise-giving.

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. Philippians 4:8

Praise in All Things

I love choosing a hyphenated word for another reason. Turning a verb into an adjective means that it modifies everything I do and turns it into action.

Praise isn’t just something I do when I pray.

I hope that I am transformed into someone who has praise coming from my lips when I pray, sing, talk, and text.

In other words, it cannot be confined to a box but is ‘out-of-the-box’ action that reflects my time with Jesus each day and throughout the day.

Why You Should Be a Praise-Giver

Regardless of what resolutions or one word you choose for the new year, I’d like to encourage you to be a praise-giver too!

Sometimes your day may be dark and gloomy.

Your relationship with your husband may be difficult and you are caught in spiraling responses of negativity.

Or maybe it is with one of your children.

Too often we are tossed and driven by our circumstances and have no help in sight. No encouragement.

Jesus knows your deepest cares. He can solve your problems when you go to Him in prayer.

When you are a praise-giver, it helps to lift you out of your difficulties.

Be a Praise-Giving Prayer-Warrior this Year!

Let’s have a year that turns our lives and that of others upside-down because we got a grasp of hyphenated life-giving adjectives that more fully describe how we can pray!

Ask God for intangible things that will transform you into His likeness.

I want you (and I) to modify everything we pray for.

Please pray for me as I write this coming year and I will pray for you. Ask our Father-God to give us the best year yet – Full of Christ-exalting and praise-giving as we draw close to Him.

Do you make a list of resolutions or choose One Word for the New Year? I’d love to hear about how you are intentionally walking with Jesus.


Choosing-ONE-WORD For Your New Year Resolution

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