5 Reasons to Be Serious About Your Health

Are you serious about your health but have no idea where to begin?

What I am sharing today is my opinion as a woman, mom, and grandma. Nothing more. I am NOT a health professional but desire to get healthier to feel my best as I serve Jesus Christ. Going forward in the years ahead, there is no way to effectively serve the Lord in poor health. I hope this encourages and equips you to hop on with me and join my health journey.

At the bottom of this article, I am sharing a link to Faithful Fitness Lines that I am totally excited about. I would love you to join me in getting healthier. I do happen to be an affiliate of this wonderful program!

5 Reasons To Be Serious About Your Health

We are all on a health journey to somewhere.

Some of us are on a downward health journey because we aren’t trying to take even one step in a healthy direction.

Sure, I move forward and sometimes take a step backward; but I am always trying to take steps in the direction of getting my health back on track.

It is hard.

When I go to the grocery store, every isle looks like a candy aisle!! Even what is supposed to be healthy is laced with hidden sugars and preservatives.

5 Things that Sabotage a Healthy Journey

If you know me or have seen a picture of more than my face, you will think (or even say) that I am healthy because I am slender.

Skinny isn’t necessarily healthy.

It isn’t about losing weight.

It is about getting healthy.

That is why skinny people can be some of the most unhealthy people around.

When I was younger, I could eat all the wrong things, not workout, and not gain an ounce. I did not have any noticeable health issues. I had no negative health diagnosis and was not on any medications. I still am not on medications.

BUT . . . I couldn’t curb my cravings!

Just because you are not on any medications (yet) does not signal good health. The seemingly healthiest people also die.

 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: ~Hebrews 9:27~

Back to the 5 things that sabotage health:

  1. Eating too many sugary sweets. Anything. Everything.
  2. Jittery highs and bad mid-morning and afternoon lows. Nothing that another sugar fix can’t cure!!
  3. Experiencing weight gain. You might not be as young anymore and your metabolism sluggish. A slowing metabolism is a sign of imbalance.
  4. Not sleeping well. Do you have difficulty getting to sleep especially if you have sugar and caffeine too late in the day?
  5. Exhausted and melancholy upon waking. There is nothing as bad as waking up tired and finding it hard to be excited about the new day!!

What I am Doing About My Health Journey

In January of 2014, I decided to take measures to get my health back.

Wouldn’t you love to have your health back too?

Maybe you are different than me and have been taking care of your health all along.

Here is what I have been doing to get my life back on the healthy track:

  1. Getting to bed by 10:30 or 11:00 pm because you get the best sleep before midnight.
  2. Getting up earlier. Most mornings I am up by 5 am so long as I got to bed on time. It gives me a jumpstart on my day when my energy is at its peak.
  3. Taking some awesome supplements. Taking supplements has made a huge improvement in my health journey. I have never taken vitamins that I could actually tell the difference and see results. It has kicked my sugar cravings to the curb. These are my FAVORITE life-changing supplements that I canNOT do without!
  4. Not buying unhealthy food in the first place. Not baking cookies often at all unless there is a church function…then give away the leftovers.
  5. Add walking to your daily routine. I have a puppy and she has ‘upped’ my daily movement. Use a Fitbit or Apple Watch to count steps.
  6. Workout 15-30 minutes 3 or more times a week. Exercise not only gets your sedentary body moving but burns calories, tones muscles and get rid of unwanted inches to helps you have victory over depression. Telling God about your cares really helps while walking and keeps those melancholy feelings at bay.

Disclaimer: Just so you know, I am not a health care provider in any way shape or form. I am just sharing my opinions where it comes to health. This is what I have found helps and before you start following my suggestions, please consult your doctor.

Some of you probably have major reasons that cause you to struggle with your health. You may find it difficult to be as active as I am. Even just getting up and moving some will go a long way. Just add levels of activity gradually as your health improves.

What holds you back from getting healthier? Just baby steps work best! How can I pray for your health?

Getting healthy isn’t about weight loss as much as about getting everything in line spiritually first. You will love the approach of this FREE 5-Day Challenge!

Grow Your Faith, Lose the Weight


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