5 Reasons Memorizing Scripture is Important

Memorizing verses from Scripture is so important but it takes time and discipline, something that is sadly missing in our digital society today.

I want to inspire you to include this habit in your time with God on a daily basis. You will be eternally grateful that you did.

1. Why Memorize?

The first thing I want to do is to inspire you to start memorizing with these 12 scripture Memory cards.

Do you memorize? If so, let me know!

If not? Be vulnerable and let me know because that is why I am writing this. We are in this together!

5 Reasons Why Memorizing Scripture is Important

I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11

Memorizing Bible verses is fundamental to all the disciplines of our Spiritual life because it fills our minds with all the wonderful precepts that allow God to transform and renew our mind.

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:1-2 

2. Strengthen Your Prayer Life by Memorizing!

There is nothing that encourages me to spend time memorizing Scripture more than that it strengthens your prayer life.

Prayer draws you closer to Jesus in a way that nothing else does.

Prayer is how you cry out to God by telling Him your deepest needs and those of others.

God loves when we pray and lift our voice up to Him.

He loves being glorified when you spend time talking to Him.

Prayer is simply talking to God and when you memorize you will hide Scripture in your heart that you can pray back to the Lord anytime anywhere.

3. Your Witnessing Will Be Strengthened!

If you feel inadequate when sharing Christ with the lost, you will strengthen your ability to witness through memorizing Scripture.

It will place Bible verses in your heart and make it possible for the Holy Spirit to bring them to mind as needed. It is difficult at best for Scripture to come to mind if it’s not there in the first place.

I want to be a better witness for the Lord to some non-believing friends I have, and so this challenges me to do better at memorizing.

4. It Encourages Other Believers!

Have you ever wanted to encourage a friend who is discouraged or going through trials?

God’s Word is powerful and the best way to uplift and undergird them. I think the word undergird is so descriptive!

Sending a card in the mail is a wonderful way to cheer up your friend. My favorite cards include a Bible verse.

But have you ever drawn a blank and not been able to think of a verse for the occasion for your friend’s situation?

That is one of the reasons why memorizing Scripture can be so powerful. The more you and I culture this dormant ability that God has given us, I think it will be easier to remember a verse.

Often I will remember a phrase from a verse and not even remember the reference. Remembering a phrase makes it possible to Google for the verse and use technology for God’s glory.

5. You Can’t Memorize?

I totally ‘get that!’

I have been saying for years that I canNOT memorize.

You know what?

Telling myself that over and over has made it impossible. To top it off it meant that I didn’t work at it because I believed what I told myself!

Thing is that simply from reading and reading the Bible, I am so familiar with many verses that I often can finish a verse.

I am going to intentionally work on memorizing. To do that I am going to use the Scripture Memory Cards that I have available here on my blog.

I am offering ALL of the Scripture Memory Sheets that I have ever created for FREE HERE! All you need to do is click the link!

Is memorizing a challenge for you? What will you be doing to include it as a habit in your day?

The Jesus Journaling Workbook will help you study God’s Word by recording your journey. You will love all the printables ready to use in this workbook as you draw closer to Jesus!

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