Gladness in Jesus Bible Study of the Book of John


Whether you read through the book of John or study it, you will be filled with gladness. It is a book written for either the non-Christian or the Christian and its twenty-one chapters will ground you deeply in your faith. In fact, it is often recommended for seekers or new Believers to read what’s written between its pages.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. John 1:1

The Gospel of John paints a picture of Jesus Christ and his saving work in a lost world. It is different than the other gospels where Matthew, Mark, and Luke start at the birth of Jesus, the book of John starts at the beginning of time.

The  Book of John focuses on the three ministry years of Jesus’ life here on earth. Its main focus is on his death and resurrection.

“Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”  John 20:30-31

The whole point of the book of John is so that people will believe on Jesus and have eternal life!


Gladness in Jesus Bible Study of the Book of John

The Book of John is Written for YOU!


How many times have you handed out a book of John to someone you met? It is generally thought to be an easily understood book that even the non-believer can read and comprehend. There are many people who have been saved by reading a small copy of John. Was it you?

BUT . . . don’t think that the book of John is only for the lost. It is also for you because it will ground you in your faith. And don’t we need that over and over?

The other thing about this wonderful book is that it will give you joy and gladness!

I promise!

So before you skip over the book of John thinking it is only written to the unbeliever, take another look to see what it has in it for you

Do you ever get discouraged?

Do you ever feel like giving up?

The book of John is strengthening to you as a believer and in order to walk through this life here on earth, we need constant encouragement to keep going.

You must go on believing as you go through your life. The book of John will help you do that.

That’s why I am going to be spending some time reading through John again and writing and journaling about it.

I hope you join me and do more than just read what I’m saying!


John Teaches You to Abide in Christ


When you are talking with a bunch of friends and you are having an enjoyable time, it’s easy to forget how you are to abide in Christ. It’s not something most of us think about all the time.

Careless words can slip off our tongue, not terribly bad words but ones that could have been left out because maybe they didn’t put your husband in the best light.

How would your life be totally different if you learned to live in such a way that was continually aware of the presence of God’s Holy Spirit?

“If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned.” And in John 8:31, he said, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples”

So it was no accident that John wrote that “These are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that by believing you may have life in his name,” He was trying to help non-believers and believers to become more aware of living in the presence of God.

John wanted to awaken the faith of unbelievers and sustain the faith of believers.


The Author of John Actually Saw Jesus


When you actually see someone, you are an eye-witness. That is what John was because he lived during the time Jesus lived on earth.

So who was John who wrote the book of John?

The book starts by giving an account of John the Baptist, so you might lean to thinking it was written by him.

But it is written by another John who included Jesus’ baptism as the event that starts the book.

We are given some clues as to who wrote this book.

Five times in this Gospel we find the unusual words “the disciple whom Jesus loved”

  1. John 13:23
  2. John 19:26
  3. John 20:2
  4. John 7
  5. John 21:20

If you remember the event of the last supper, the disciple whom Jesus loved was leaning against his shoulder.

But how do we know that John wrote this book when its authorship is anonymous?

There isn’t a real certainty about who wrote the gospel of John. We can only speculate and wonder who it might have been.

A Divinely Inspired Book

Although we might try to figure out who wrote the book of John it was actually written by God.

God used the man who physically penned the book to communicate his thoughts to the non-believer and believer.

God influenced the thoughts and words that came out on the page. Maybe that is why no one is completely sure who wrote this book.

The man who had the quill in his hand as he recorded the words onto the page didn’t want the glory to go to him but to God.


You Will Be Blessed through the Book of John!


John 1:1


There is so much included in the Book of John and although I read through it many times before, I am seeing so much more by studying one chapter at a time.

We are all busy moms and many with littles which means no so much time.

The thought of doing a more intensive study can be overwhelming at best. Rest assured that it won’t be like that at all.

The most important thing is for you to get into God’s Word for 15-30 minutes a day. You might be in a season that this needs to be done while it’s still dark when the kids are still sleeping.

I will be sharing through the book of John and invite you to follow me HERE and HERE. In either spot, search ‘Book of John.’

I know you will grow closer to Jesus through the study of the book of John.

You will learn to experience the glory of Jesus living in you.


RESOURCE for the Book of John


Here is a wonderful resource for the book of John that I created just for you. It will make your life easier as you grow closer to Jesus.

Click the graphic below to be taken a page and learn more about the John  Printable Pack.


John Printable Pack


Buy Now


Here is a personable video where I share what to expect as we begin our study in John! You will be so blessed!

I mention that my mother was 97 and she went to be with Jesus about a month later (February 2019).