FREE Grace-Filled Living Starter Guide for the Struggling Mom

If you’re a struggling mom trying to hold it together, you need this free Grace-Filled Living Starter Guide to give you a system that works.

Do you struggle with overwhelm, discouragement, depression, and that feeling that sneaks up to overtake your thoughts that continually says, “You’re not enough?”

So many moms struggle to keep things together in their homes and family that I put together this mega-free resource to share how to live victoriously. Too often moms feel defeated and if that’s you, this Grace-Filled Living Starter Guide is especially for you!

I Was That Struggling Mom

You might be struggling to hang on each hour to simply survive until your kiddos bedtime. Some days are neverending and seem like they’re 36 hours long instead of 24, and I get that.

You are tired, you are stressed, out of coffee and at the end of your rope emotionally and in every other way.

I know, because I was once that mom.

I remember being in the grocery store shopping by memory because I left my list in the van. Again. My tiny newborn was carried snuggled against my chest, the toddler was sitting in the cart’s seat, and two ‘older’toddlers were sitting in the cart’s basket while I pulled the second cart filled with food.

I looked down at my feet for some unknown reason and saw TWO different shoes! Oh my NO! How did I get to the store like THAT?!

Meanwhile my youngest toddler was fussing and the newborn started screaming. Time to eat!

When it became impossible to rush through the rest of the store, we all headed out to the van where I fed him all bundled up in coats. Not the most comfortable nursing position.

We desperately needed food, so back into the store we trudged.


If you are a mom, you could tell stories like mine.

What I want you to know is that I have been there too. I was that struggling mom and as time went on, God worked in me deeply and I can look back with a little wisdom to share with you.

Turn Your Mom-Struggles Into Grace

I know you are trying your best. If you are that  struggling mom with an inner conflict, so fierce that it keeps spilling over to the outside, I know even you want things to be better than it is.

I know you want things to go right with your kids. You want them to grow up to walk with Jesus and love him more than anything in this world. You want them to walk in holiness.

Time on earth is short. Soon time will be no more and you want your kids to choose God.

I didn’t always know how to turn my struggle into a walk of grace. I know that.

BUT . . . there came a time when I know that I had grown into the woman who more closely did walk in grace. I wanted my kids to see Jesus in me.

This is why I put together the Grace-Filled Living Starter Guide to help you learn the routines that helped me get things done in my home, do better in my marriage, and create time (not lose time) so I could spend it with Jesus.

My Transformational Process

So many moms feel like they are a failure. You might be that mom too.

You lost your temper with your kids that you love so much. You might find yourself in a cycle with one of them where you’re caught in the same scenario day after day over some insignificant issue that grew big.

You might be repeating the same string of words to your child day after day. You feel like staying in bed but have to get up because you’re the mom.

You don’t want confrontation one single time more . . . BUT . . . on the other hand, even though this child might never realize it, you DO want the best for their future.

More than the behavior your child is displaying, are the deep seated sin issues that cause these behaviors. Yes, children are children but they are like little adults and have the same propensity to greed and lack of self-control that we have as adults.

When and how will you ever be able to teach and train them?!

Greater than their obvious need for a loving Savior, is your reaction and response to your child.

For some reason, with many struggling moms (like me) it took way too many years to become a good mom. Because of that, I can help you!

What I hope to do through the Grace-Filled Living Starter Guide is to begin the transformational process of becoming grace-filled. In other words, learning to be Spirit-filled.

When You Feel You’re Not Enough

So you feel you’re not enough? When you lose it with your son or get edgy with your daughter, do you feel like a failure?

It might be a simple phrase of disappointment spoken over and over by your mom or dad. We are human and don’t always say or do the right things. Even the best parent fails at times and no one knows that better than their kids.

Or it might be a result of some struggles you have in your marriage.

I have solutions for things that happen like this and the Lord is showing me how I can reach out and encourage other women who might have similar experiences (although unique).

You need to fogive your parents as they did the best they knew how.  You need to forgive your husband and I’m sure you were at least half the equation. I know I was/am!

What you need to know is that  can help you have victory over the feeling that you’re not enough. You ARE enough but NOT in yourself. It is when you abide in Jesus and Jesus in you that the transformation begins to happen (John 15:1-17).

It might take the rest of your life and it’s time to get started!

The Grace-Filled Living Starter Guide will start the process. Then you’ll want to get some of the other tools that I’ve created to help you.

Just get over it. Get over that old feeling that you’re not enough and find out what you’re identity is in Jesus.

Then you’ll find that you’re enough.

Not because of you but because of Jesus!

Hit Refresh in Your Life

I remember when I was 16, sitting on the step to my home in Hawaii feeling like I was an utterly miserable young girl. Thing is, I was.

I knew I needed to change and allow God to work in my life but sudden change would have been embarrasing.

How silly!

Maybe because I didn’t allow God to work in my life that warm sunny day, I continued to struggle for years to come.

Yes, I had the Lord in my life but I was holding back the reigns that would give him total surrender of everything about me.

Are you holding back?

It’s time for change.

So hit refresh and allow God to work in every single area of your life.

I still don’t have it all together and I won’t even if I live into my 90’s. There is always some area little or big that needs God’s refining fire to work in my heart.

So hit refresh in your life!

Get on the Right Path for Victorious Living

That will get you on the right path for victorious living.

You’ll have no regrets looking back on your life later. I have regrets and I’d love for you to have as few regrets as possible.

Grace-Filled Living is the right path for victorious living!

My Gift to the Strugging Mom!

I’ve shared quite a few things about my life and I would love if you’d accept this gift from me to you. It’s the best of several digital products I’ve made in the past all rolled into one.

It’s like the gift God is holding out to you of salvation.

Please click this link and accept my gift. In return you will also get my newsletters sharing blog-posts and content not found anywhere else to help you become the mom God designed you to be.

A grace-filled “struggling mom” living for Jesus!

What the Starter Guide Will Do for You

This is a 25-page e-booklet that has so much to offer. Ten pages will teach you how to start your journey to Grace-Filled Living. You will also have ten printables to encourage you to grow in grace!


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