
5 Practical Tips For Reading Your Bible + Video

Have you wanted to get more out of your Bible but you don’t know how? Watch this video to learn practical tips on how to have an effective Quiet Time.

5 Practical Tips for Reading Your Bible + Video

If you’ve always longed to have a deeper Quiet Time, this video is exactly what you need.

I’m sharing 5 practical tips I’ve learned through my struggles as a mom who lived in the trenches of motherhood.

You might have the intention of reading your Bible but you’re so busy that it’s hard to slow down and listen to what God has to say to you through His word.

If you want to get more out of your Bible but struggle knowing how to do that, you’re in the right place!

Get More Tips for Reading Your Bible

The most important tip to remember is that you can’t rely on what you read yesterday. You mustto filled fresh each day.

Are you reading simply to check something off on your To-Do List? I know you’re busy and maybe you have tweens and teens and it can get busy.

Sometimes, even though you try reading your Bible before your kids are up, things can happen making that impossible.

There is no condemnation here because I know what it’s like when it is hard to read your Bible

Reading your Bible is so important. Getting INTO your Bible is MORE important than doing journaling art about a verse. Not to say that isn’t a wonderful thing to do but if you have to choose between the two, choose reading your Bible first!

You might be going through a dry-spot in your Bible reading. Approach your time in your Bible with Jesus with a humble heart.

Maybe you are reading in Job and it’s a difficult book for you to read. My suggestion for you is to also read in Psalms or another book that deeply interests you.

You want God to be moving in your heart. You want to feel His presence in your Quiet Time.

Simply read your Bible. If you aren’t in a season of your life where you can study it right now, that’s ok. Just read it and soak up what God is showing you.

Crossway Journaling Bible (ESV)

I have loved reading and journaling in this Bible this year.

The cover is soft and pliable and fits easily in my hands without being a stiff hardcover Bible. It has been a wonderful Bible to read!

Practical Tips for Bible Reading

One of the practical tips I’m sharing, is having the habit of reading your Bible each day. It’s so important for spiritual health.

It’s even more important than your physical health!

Try adding the habit of reading your Bible into your routine every single day.

When you feel your day slipping alway try harder to get your routines working smoother because it will actually creates time for your Quiet Time.

When your morning quickly slips away, think back whether you spent too much time on social media before spending time with Jesus.

When your day is going well, you’d be surprised how much easier it is to relax into God’s presence.

You might even find having a special place for your Quiet Time helps you zone into God’s presence faster.

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Now that you know what practical tips are for a more effective Quiet Time, What would you suggest?

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