Grace Unmeasured Vast and Free

Grace unmeasured is what God has been impressing on my heart over and over again. It is always what is running in the background of everything I write and in all that I do.

I didn’t always feel God’s grace so intensely.

I want you to know God’s grace for you as intensely as I have been experiencing it.

If everything in life went smoothly from the time you were a little child, you may not have known and experienced God’s grace except as a word.

I grew up in a Christian home and had godly parents. My childhood went smoothly outside of my academic struggles in school. I wasn’t perfect but I wasn’t a ‘bad’ girl either.

For ALL have Sinned and Need Grace

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” Romans 3:23

When all my dreams in life started falling apart, I began seeing my all my sin and great need for Christ. Yes, I was saved but it is often in the anvils of life’s trials that our faith grows intense.

Marriage has its ups and downs caused by the selfish nature of each spouse. Raising children doesn’t make anything easier.

When my kids were mostly in their teens, life got very hard. It was during those years that I began to see how much Jesus cared and had grace just for me.

I used to feel that I was the only one going through these devastating circumstances and huge disappointments.

Life on this earth has trials and everyone goes through them and needs grace. If you don’t accept the grace that God is trying to give you in your circumstances, then you will not extend grace to your husband, children, and others.

That is just the way it works. You can’t give what you haven’t received.

You can’t give what you haven’t received.

I wish I had known how to accept God’s unmeasured grace a few years ago and extend it to those around me.

God has abundantly given me His grace unmeasured for the past 3 years.

I am offering it to you through what I write here on my new blog.

Here is a song that expresses what I want to give you through my blog. I have listened to it for quite a number of years and pray that it will bless you too!!

Grace Unmeasured Lyrics and sung by Steve Petitt Evangelistic Band

Grace unmeasured, vast and free

That knew me from eternity

That called me out before my birth

To bring you glory on this earth

Grace amazing, pure and deep

That saw me in my misery

That took my curse and owned my blame

So I could bear your righteous name

Grace paid for my sins

And brought me to life

Grace clothes me with power

To do what is right

Grace will lead me to heaven

Where I’ll see Your face

And never cease

To thank you for your grace.

Grace abounding, strong and true

That makes me long to be like You

That turns me from my selfish pride

To love the cross on which you died

Grace unending all my days

You’ll give me strength to run this race

And when my years on earth are through

The praise will all belong to You.

Grace Unmeasured by Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team

Have you been going through some really rough times and need Jesus to pour out His unmeasured grace for you?


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