How to Calm Your Anxiety with Bible Journaling

Experience the transformative power of Bible journaling as a way to unlock and calm your anxiety, with the creative presence of Jesus.

Many women deal with anxiety to one degree or another. I’m no exception if given the circumstances that are my trigger points.

When I’m the passenger in a car, I might have a slight anxiety attack if it seems there isn’t enough space between the car ahead and the one I’m riding in.

You might also want to know that I might freak out (slightly of course) if the car I’m riding in speeds up to pass a ‘slow poke’ on a country road. I’d much rather poke along behind that car thanking God for keeping us safe.

I’m sure that these scenarios are unique to me but I’m just about positive that you have issues with another form of anxiety.

Do any of these cause anxiety?

  1. Social interactions because you’re a complete introvert?
  2. Financial struggles or debt?
  3. Exhaustion and stress with your kids’ behavior?
  4. Health concerns for oneself or loved ones?
  5. Uncertainty about the future and making decisions?
  6. Relationship problems with family, friends, or your husband?
  7. Fear of failure or not being good enough?
  8. Perceived pressure to be a perfectionist?

Bible journaling is one of the best ways to study God’s Word. Although it often involves creatively expressing yourself to God, don’t limit yourself to thinking that’s the only way to Bible journal.

You don’t have to be one bit creative to enjoy Bible journaling.

It’s not about the art but about the heart.

Bible journaling is about expressing yourself to God in worship by using one of my Bible Journaling Notebooks or a spiral notebook you purchased. You can even use lined school paper and put it in a 3-ring binder.

I prefer calling it Bible journaling than Bible journaling art to help you realize that you don’t have to be creative at all. Keep that in mind even though I might encourage you to draw or decorate your journal.

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Remember you do NOT have to be creative.

I have been writing Bible verses in a notebook for years and years. It never occurred to me to draw, paint, or use stickers.

Scripture Writing is an amazing way to hide God’s Word in your heart. It’s my favorite part of journaling and one I use almost all the time.

I’d rather not write something vague on the journaling page instead of writing a Bible verse. As I write, I’m storing it in my heart and mind. The Holy Spirit can bring it back to my thoughts anytime I need it most.

Calm Your Anxiety by Soaking in Scripture

I rarely skip to journaling art before soaking in Scripture. It’s never about sharing what I draw or paint on social media outlets.

By skipping out on reading your Bible, you’re missing out on listening to what God is saying to you that day.

For the first half of this year, I’m attempting to read through at least half the Bible. I’d love to read the Bible through in a year but it’s better to be realistic to my schedule and faithful to God.

It’s not about how much we read but that we entered the presence of God.

For me, reading through the entire Bible is a huge commitment since I don’t read fast. I also love copying a couple of verses into my notebook. Copying a verse is Bible journaling. So I have to choose what works best for me and so do you!

I love using these Bible Journaling Workbooks because they allow me to do my study while also guiding me to look for what happened in the passage, how to apply it to my heart and life and write out a prayer to God.

Then since I love being creative, I might also illustrate how God’s spoken to my heart.

In writing out Bible verses, I slow my busy life, and the words I’m copying go deep into my heart.

This calms my anxiety.

I know that if you copied out a verse or two, you’d find it would calm your anxiety as well.

Calm Your Anxiety by Worshipping God

Anxiety is the exact opposite of calm. Being calm helps us feel in control of the situation, anxiety does the polar opposite.

Anxiety makes you feel the chaos of the situation instead of calm in the chaos.

Anxiety is what the disciples experienced during the storm on the Sea of Galilee until Jesus walked towards them on the water and caused the waves to be still (Matthew 14:22-33)

Calm is what we experience when we meditate on the verse in Psalm 46:10 that says, “Be still and know that I am God.”

There is stillness and control in the calm that Jesus brings to the circumstances in our lives.

Many hymns and spiritual songs contain comfort that can calm your anxiety through worshipping God.

There are spiritual truths that can supernaturally be God-breathed into our hearts and minds.

Worshipping God can calm our anxiety as we place all our cares at the feet of Jesus.

Pause and put on your favorite playlist and see how you can calm your anxiety by worshipping God as you listen.

Calm Your Anxiety with Bible Journaling

We started off our conversation by stating that you don’t have to be creative to calm your anxiety with Bible journaling. Here are some good reasons to fight the battlefield of anxiety!!

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

The reason for this is that the main thing in Bible journaling is digging deeper into God’s Word.

As you copy a couple of verses, write about what happened in the passage, and write a prayer to God, you are focusing on the Word of God.

You are inadvertently finding verses that speak to your situation. It’s amazing how God can speak to your exact situation even when a passage seemingly has nothing to do with it.

Let’s take this to the next level and learn about 5 tips that will help you calm your anxiety. This gets practical. I encourage you to try the following ideas to see if they resonate with you.

5 Bible Journaling Tips to Calm Your Anxiety

  1. Start with prayer: Begin your Bible journaling session with a prayer, asking God to calm your anxious thoughts and guide you through His word.
  2. Choose a verse that speaks to you: Select a verse from the Bible that relates to your current situation or struggle with anxiety. This could be a promise of peace or an encouraging reminder of God’s love for you.
  3. Reflect and journal: Take time to reflect on the verse and how it applies to your life. Write down your thoughts, feelings, and any insights or revelations you receive.
  4. Get creative: Use colors, drawings, or other artistic elements to enhance your journal entry. This can help calm your mind and serve as a form of relaxation. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to journal!
  5. Read and reread: As you finish your entry, read the verse again and remind yourself of its message. Whenever you feel anxious throughout the day, come back to this journal entry as a source of peace and comfort.

Do you deal with anxiety?

Watch this video and learn how to calm your anxiety with Bible journaling.

Other tips for Bible Journaling:

  • Set aside dedicated time each day for Bible journaling!
  • Use different materials such as stickers, washi tape, or stamps to add visual interest to your entry!
  • Try different Bible translations to gain a fresh perspective on familiar verses!
  • Join a Bible journaling group or community such as Jesus Journaling for inspiration and accountability in your practice!

Remember, the goal of Bible journaling is not perfection but deepening your relationship with Jesus.

What tip resonated with you most? Share it below in the comments!

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