Bible Journaling in Ten-Minutes a Day

Bible Journaling in ten-Minutes a Day

Ten minutes a day is all you need for Bible journaling when you are a busy mom. This will teach you how to create a simple journaling illustration in your Bile or notebook whether you are a beginner or an intermediate!

Do you compare yourself to more advanced Bible journalers?

Do you get discouraged thinking you will never be that good?

You shouldn’t be but the truth is that women are wired to compare. We get to feeling like we will never be that good.

We are downright hard on ourselves.

I know. I am just like that too!

That is why I am encouraging you to create an illustrated journal about a verse in the Bible in just ten minutes.

Bible Journaling in Ten Minutes a Day!

Use a Journaling Bible or Notebook

I like doing my journaling art in a journaling Bible or a notebook. It all depends on what kind of mood I am in.

Either works.

Neither is right or wrong.

I even love micro-journaling in one of my tiny Bibles. They aren’t even journaling Bibles!

The whole idea of journaling in ten minutes is to set a timer (if you’d like) and draw something simple that won’t take more than 10 minutes.

This is a way to journal without feeling the guilt because you didn’t finish it.

How many times did you not journal at all because you didn’t have two hours free?

I’ve been there, done that!

It is better to spend time drawing close to Jesus through journaling art than not at all. There is something about expressing yourself with art (or the attempt at art) that (in my humble opinion) I think God loves!

God created the universe and everything in it and He placed creativity in your heart. Some of us have way more ability than others but there is something to be said about culturing a heart after God, through art.

I would love to share some tips on how to draw closer to Jesus through Bible journaling in ten minutes a day. Here you go!

Use a Pencil or Pen to Doodle

When you watch the video below, you’ll see that even though I drew this journal in less than ten minutes, I used a pencil to doodle. I think ‘doodling’ is a good word to use since it is not so intimidating as saying, “artwork!”

Everyone can doodle.

Even YOU!

But . . .  most of us probably feel like we can’t be an artist!

So, sketch and doodle your simple design. Remember that you are DONE when your alarm goes off in ten minutes!

You did set your phone alarm, right?

The joy of using a pencil is that you can erase anything you feel is a mistake. Just remember the goal isn’t perfection. That is God’s job to be a perfectionist.

Grace is your word! Give yourself grace!

Coloring Your Creation

Watercolors might work for journaling in ten minutes but I haven’t experimented with them yet.

For me, coloring is easiest and I am able to color in the lines that I made.

I like using either Micon Pens or Gel Pens to go over my pencil lines.

When I am journaling in ten minutes I try to do this faster and not worry about getting it exactly right.

Adding the color makes your doodling pop and makes it look pretty even when you might not have thought it was anything special.

Suddenly it is beautiful!

Include the Bible Reference

I always read the chapter where the verse is found for my Bible journaling.

My goal is to encourage you to go deeper into God’s word. Only doodling about the verse will make for a shallow Bible study.

Make sure to include it at the bottom of the page. Later you might want to remember where the verse is found. When I have forgotten, it takes me a while to locate it on the page in my Bible. If you doodled on a notebook page you might never find the reference.

Including the Bible reference helps you meditate on the verse as you journal while becoming familiar with where it is found in Scripture.

Share Your Art

Remember how you shared your art in kindergarten? Didn’t that feel good?

When you share your journaling art as an adult, it makes someone else feel good because your verse and art encouraged another person!

That is why you should join our Facebook group, Jesus Journaling and upload your Bible journaling art.

Many women share what they have drawn or painted and encourage each other by doing so. It is a warm community of like-minded Christian women.

I hope to see you there and hope you share your journaling art about a Bible verse that spoke to your heart in ten minutes or less.

Do you feel inspired to create journaling art in ten minutes? What resonated most and was your favorite take-away from this post?

Here is a video where I demonstrate how to create your journaling art ‘masterpiece in only ten minutes a day!

Watch the video and follow me on You Tube!


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