Do You Feel Unqualified?

Mary knew she was unqualified instead of equipped but simply laid her life down for God to use in any way He chose. You can too!

Do You Feel Unqualified

Digging Deeper: Luke 1:26-38

Key Verse: Luke 1:38a   Then Mary said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.”

Mary knew she was unqualified and inadequate as she stood listening to the angel. Gabriel was giving her an astonishing announcement as he had previously given Zachariah.

Zachariah was in total disbelief and asked how he would know that his wife, Elizabeth would conceive a baby.

Mary, on the other hand, believed but asked how it was physically possible.

She never questioned how she had been chosen to be the mother of Jesus when she was only a teenage girl.

She never said, “But I can’t do this because I am so unqualified.”

She never asked why she had been chosen instead of the experienced mother who was well equipped with parenting knowledge.

She never gave excuses because of her lack of abilities.

Mary simply laid her life down for God to use in any way He chose.

She totally surrendered that she was unqualified and said, “‘I am the Lord’s servant,’ Mary answered. ‘May your word to me be fulfilled.'” Luke 1:38a (NIV)

Total surrender is when we completely surrender everything in our life to the Lord. I would say that I am totally surrendered until I have leftover chocolate chips and start munching on them.

Having total surrender has a LOT to do with having self-control. We cannot totally surrender anything to God unless we have self-control (Galatians 5:22-23) in every single area of our life.

That partially used bag of chocolate chips reveals my LACK of self-control and I wonder how I can totally surrender my life to the Lord Jesus when I can’t control my eating habits.

Mary wasn’t perfect but could lay down all her imperfections. The NIV uses the word servant, the KJV uses handmaid, and the NKJV uses the word maidservant. Mary was willing to be God’s servant.

Even though Mary was unqualified, like us, she had a servant-heart and was willing to be used of God.

What is holding you back from totally serving the Lord?

Do You Feel Unqualified Instead of Equipped?

Most women feel unqualified even if they have had the training to equip them.

Do you feel inadequate?

Do you feel too young?

Too old to be used for the Lord?

Do you feel insignificant?

Are you feeling stuck with your littles all day long? You are doing something significant for God. He has qualified you!

Maybe you work and just don’t think you can be used by God. You can be a witness for Christ, right where you are!

Whatever you are doing, you can reply to the Lord’s calling like Mary did or you can respond like Zachariah, without hope or belief!

Mary totally surrendered her life, allowing God to do what He had said He would.

Zachariah had to learn a hard lesson by losing his voice for weeks until the birth of his son, John the Baptist.  This happened all because he thought it was impossible for Elizabeth (his wife) to have a baby when she was so old.

We serve a great God Who is able to do far beyond what we ask or think.

He is the God of the impossible.

For with God nothing shall be impossible. (Luke 1:37)


What do you find difficult to believe in your life? How can I pray that God will show Himself, the God of the impossible to you?

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