6 Tips You Need to Raise Your Children

Do you have more days that you live ‘in your own strength’  than ‘grace alone’ days in raising your children?

What if I drew from my failed experiences and shared how to walk by grace alone with the strength of the Holy Spirit living in you?

It is too easy to get caught in a downward spiral, repeating the same mistakes with our children day in and day out.

Our hormones are out-of-control and our responses to our sinful littles are often lived out in our own strength.

I learned so much by the time our children were grown that I wished I’d know from the beginning of motherhood.

Hopefully, you can learn from what I am sharing out of my own mistakes.

1. Raising Children by Grace Alone

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8,9

We are saved by grace alone through faith and if we take this verse to heart, as women raising children, it is by grace alone and faith alone that we will come through this season of our life.

What we most often forget is what this verse goes on to say: that it is not of ourselves – it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.

6 Tips You Need to Raise Your Children

2. Living by SELF and Bombing Out!!

Though this verse is primarily discussing salvation, I have found this verses to ring true in my life whether I lived by grace, through faith or not. Too often, I lived by ‘Judith’, through faith in SELF. And. Bombed. OUT!!

How many days (too many) did I live in my own efforts at mothering, child-training while balancing homemaking and homeschooling?! Too many to tell!!

God wants to thoroughly change you and me into His likeness!

3. Mothering in God’s Grace

I loved reading what Sally Clarkson had to share while my kids were growing up. I read and re-read her books on homeschooling. The Ministry of MotherhoodThe Ministry of Motherhood is a MUST READ!

I would encourage you ladies today to mother your children – not of yourselves, it isn’t all the ‘things’ you do to ‘have it all together’, it isn’t works.

It isn’t in how well your house runs.

It is through God’s grace – and through faith in Him – He will help you to get the job done.

You might feel like a failure because your home isn’t spotlessly clean and your kids aren’t perfectly behaved.

Although that might be nice, be encouraged that isn’t the most important thing!

It is only by His grace that you have the ability to do the mom things.

You might love these 6 war room Bible verses for fervent prayer as you raise your children with grace alone.

4. Relying on God’s Grace

Rely on God’s grace and have faith in Him.

God desires to use your life for His glory as a testimony.

He wants to prove these truths to you and others watching – that He is glorified, that it’s not of you but Him living in you.

I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

5. How Your Children ‘Turn Out’ is ONLY the Grace of God!!

Put out of your mind that ‘how’ your children ‘turn out’ has to do with you!!

I have heard and read too much about how children turn out as adults has to do with how their parents raised them.

Our children have their own FREE WILL.

There are NO grandchildren in Heaven!!

Your children are offered salvation through faith with the shed blood of Jesus the same as you are.

They are NOT saved because you are saved.

If your children ‘turn out’ to walk faithfully with Christ when they are grown, it will have absolutely NOTHING to do with you but ALL to do with Him.

If they ‘turn out’ to abandon the One you taught them to have faith in, you still will continue to glorify Jesus as He gives you grace, moment by moment.

6. Take Courage Dear Mother by His Grace Alone

Take courage, dear mother, as you raise your children for the Lord.

Look to Jesus for grace alone and remember that it doesn’t have anything to do with you but with Him.

When the going gets tough as soon as your feet hit the floor in the morning, pray for His grace and for Jesus to live through your thoughts, words, and actions.

Do you struggle walking by grace-alone in raising your children? How did this encourage you today?

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