Pandemic Prayer for Fearless Courage + FREE Printable


There have been other pandemics throughout world history but in all my life there hasn’t been anything that would produce fearless courage since The Black Death!

This is something we need to take seriously as restaurants, schools, and events are closed or postponed across America. Life will be different for the weeks to come.


We can only pray that God will have mercy!


The media has filled our newsfeeds with constant updates to retain the spread of this highly contagious disease.

Even though you are a daughter of the King, it is natural to feel fearful and anxious about what is happening around you.

Most likely you have made drastic changes to your schedule for you and your children.

This will equip you to manage feelings welling up in your heart. Once you have your emotions in God’s hands, it will be easier to turn and help your children with the changes in their lives over the next few weeks.

I am also in need of calming my heart because the news rattled me on the inside even though I seemed fine on the outside! You are NOT alone!

We need to turn to God daily but especially with events turning your life upsidedown!


Pandemic Prayer for Fearless Courage

Far Less than We Deserve!


As moms, we so often are asking real questions as we seek to serve our family. Are you willing to hear and receive what God is saying through this pandemic?

Even an awful and deadly virus is far far less than what we deserve, yet God is merciful no matter what lies in our future.

Will we as Christians take this or any other pandemic seriously?

Are you laughing and making fun because the media is overplaying it? That might be true yet it’s a great opportunity to prepare your heart for such an event.

Even if this does not play out in epic proportions in America, it’s wise to think through these issues in preparation for when life brings a personal pandemic to you and your family?


Noah tried to warn the people of his day that a flood was imminent. The people scoffed and laughed at him. They drowned because of their negligence to turn to God!


Most of the world is deaf just like the people in Noah’s day to a divine warning in a global pandemic.

You (and I) have been freed from the fear of death, but are we living with fearless courage?

Stay with me as I share what has been on my heart for the past few years about living fearlessly without anxiety. I will be sharing resources to equip you to serve your family and be the mom that your children need. Your husband will be so blessed to have a wife after God’s own heart!


What is a Pandemic?


Pandemic Prayer for Fearless Courage


Pandemic is a little-used word that has overnight become common and overused!

Declaring a pandemic happens when a new disease for which people do not have immunity spreads around the world beyond expectations.

This is not the first time that a pandemic has happened in history but we tend to think it’s impossible that it will happen again. Our medicine and technology are advanced and we are no longer accustomed to seeing death as they did in Europe a few hundred years back.

The Black Death was the greatest catastrophe ever to hit Europe and in just a few short months killed 50 million people during the 14th century.

There is another pandemic that most people are not facing that is causing many to enter the wide gate instead of the narrow gate leading to eternal life.

Sin is a pandemic of the greatest proportions and what is happening around us because of coronavirus is raising fear and anxiety, causing chaos and fear-based reactions.

Why? Because people are afraid of death!

Like I said, first we are going to calm our own fears and anxieties so we can have the right response to our lost family and neighbors.


Repent and Pray


Mom, God loves you and so do I! That is why I am putting this together to help you become a courageous woman for whatever lies ahead.

Even if God intervenes, life sometimes brings a personal pandemic and my hope is that this will be helpful.

God knows about this virus and knows exactly what will happen to you moving forward. He will not leave you or forsake you. (Hebrews 13:5) Most of all God wants you to seek Him with ALL of your heart.

Do you struggle with prayerlessness as I do? It is my biggest spiritual struggle.

Here is a pandemic prayer asking God to calm your anxiety and to give you fearless risk-taking courage to bring Christ to your neighbors who have no hope!




Pandemic Prayer for Fearless Courage Printable


If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14


  • Humble yourself!
  • Pray to God!
  • Seek God’s face!
  • Turn from your wicked ways!
  • Then God will hear from heaven!
  • He will forgive your sin!
  • He will heal your land!

Praying a verse is such a powerful thing to do. It helps me not to leave out something vital from my prayer.


During a crisis, it’s so important to take care of YOU!

That’s not being selfish it’s just reality!

Are you filled with anxiety and need to reset to respond with CALM filled with anxiety and need to reset to respond with CALM to all that you are hearing and seeing?


Fearless Courage NOT Fear!


Mom, are you fearful? I will admit that’s where I was over the weekend!

I was about to start the 30-minute drive to the grocery store when my friend video-called. She was in a panic saying that the schools were closing next week and many things were shutting down. She has had a lot going on in her life and now this!

The pandemic of fear clutched people’s hearts as chaos broke loose and toilet paper and other essential items disappeared off the shelves. When a storm of any kind hits, toilet paper is the first convenience we don’t want to live without!

This isn’t about what’s missing from stores but motives that cause people to stockpile necessities beyond their needs.

Basically, we have the fear of the unknown.

Underneath the fear of COVID-19 is the fear of death (Hebrews 2:15). The fear of death is at the bottom of everything because the thought of dying is terrifying. If we honestly think about it!

100% of people will die by the end of their life!

The thing with this pandemic is that it makes death real. We have to deal with its reality because suddenly life isn’t so secure anymore.

We secure our lives with temporal things like houses, stuff that packs our houses full, clothes and cars. We really don’t deal with the possibility of death until severe sickness or tragedy hits.

If anything, the corona is making death real to people so that we can tell them about Calvary and how Jesus died so they don’t have to suffer eternal death.

Charles Spurgeon was once a pastor in London, England who preached to 25,000 people each Sunday. Cholera was once a dreaded disease and this was what he said about it.


“Fear to die? Thank God, I do not. The cholera may come again next summer – pray it may not. But if it does, it matters not to me. I will toil and visit the sick by night and by day until I drop. And if it takes me, sudden death is sudden glory!” C.H. Spurgeon


Praying Through Your Fears


I really do get that feeling of panic because I sensed it in the shoppers at the grocery store the other day.

That is why it is so important to pray through your fears. It’s not that we pretend that you never get fearful. When you do, there is an answer and solution found in praying to Jesus.

When you don’t pray through your fears, it is easy for fear, worry to overtake you until your body feels the effects of anxiety.

Fear isn’t healthy and will intertwine with anxiety. Not exactly the best place to be in during a stressful situation. You want to prepare your heart to respond calmly because you have reached out for God’s strength.


Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7


I want to inspire you to be a woman who fears God! To look fear in the face with prayer instead of worry.


That is what Living Fearlessly is all about.

Fearing God.


Fearless Courage is Risk-Taking


Don’t fear but instead, take up your cross and unleash your faith to walk closer to Jesus than you ever have before.

Sweet mom, let your husband and children see Jesus in you. Be fearless when you hear the news and how all the restaurants and schools are closing.

It’s for your good.

Be sensible and take the precautions that authorities are advising. Yet, be allow God to instill fearless courage and be risk-taking and be unafraid to take the gospel of Christ to a dying world.


  • Be wise!
  • Be fearless!
  • Be courageous!
  • Be unafraid!

Don’t be afraid to help your neighbor or take a meal to someone in need. This is a time when people are more open than ever before to hear the gospel.




Read More About Fear and Anxiety


Why is it Important to Pray Through Your Fears?

Live Fearlessly with the Armor of God

Live Fearlessly with the Armor of God

How David Demonstrates Faith in Living Fearlessly + Video

Pandemic: A Prayer for Healing and Protection with Free Printable – Sara over at The Holy Mess


How are you affected by what’s going on in your part of the world? What country do you live in? What changes have you seen?

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Are you willing to hear and receive what God is saying through this pandemic_

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  1. It’s July 2020 & things are starting to open up for some. This was a wonderful article to read, knowing it was from March 2020 showed me that things haven’t changed that much. Insomnia is plaguing our family and it’s time to search out why and deal with it in Jesus name.

    1. Hi Sonya! I am praying for you and your sweet family with the issues you’re having with insomnia. That is hard to deal with and makes you tired all day. Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving a comment! Love you!

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