How To Make Life Count for Christ

The most important question you can ask yourself is; how can I make my life count for Christ?
King Solomon could have been living in the 21st century because he accumulated every imaginable possession and did unimaginable things! Just like our culture!
In his lifetime he tried just about everything!
Solomon wanted to experience life to the full and came up empty!
I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and indeed, all is vanity and grasping for the wind. Ecclesiastes 1:14
Most of us are about the same as Solomon with Walmart and Amazon at our fingertips. Walmart now delivers right to your doorsteps.
More than any other time in history, we can have any imaginable thing (almost like Solomon) within two days!
The garbage that we leave at the curbside tells a story of where our treasure lies!
We accumulate a home full of stuff that won’t last.
We choose to do things that hold no eternal value.

Only What’s Done for Christ Will Last

It’s not necessarily wrong to be blessed with material possessions but rather to be sure that we are putting Jesus first.
We can do that by holding temporal things with an open hand like Job did.
Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?” Job 1:8
The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord.” Job 1:21b
How are you spending your time?
When you go to the grocery store, gym, your job, and meet people . . . are you reaching out to them with Christ’s love?
Are you connecting with them?
You might be the only person who can reach them and share Jesus.
Only one life, twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last. ~C.T.Studd

How You Can Make Your Life Count for Christ


Do you (or did you) have a bunch of littles hanging onto you all day long? You might feel like there is nothing you can do to make your life count for Christ!

Your children may have grown up and like Solomon, you are looking back at your life and feeling like you were a failure. I get that!

How many times do I go to bed thinking of all the wrong things I did in my parenting years?! I can relate!

Staying home and raising your kids is the most important thing you will ever do.

You can read the Bible to them, read Bible stories, talk to them about Jesus and live your life before them. It is the most important occupation that anyone has ever held!
If you work outside of the home, you are coming in contact with folks who may never ever want to go to church.

You are the closest to Christ of anyone they will ever meet.

You have an opportunity to pray for them and live your life before them. Always be ready to give a testimony of what God has done in your life.

You might go to the gym or a coffee shop like I do.

I have met several women who I would otherwise have never met. I have an opportunity to be a witness for Jesus in how I live.

People will be drawn to you because as a Christian, you can be more honest and authentic than they have seen in any of their other friends.

How do these ideas resonate with you? What are you doing to make your life count for Christ?

Are you interested in learning how to Bible Journal? You may read more posts that I have shared here on my blog and you are invited to join my Facebook group: Jesus Journaling community to see what others have shared.


What are the most difficult uncertainties that you are facing right now? Do you have a prayer request that you would like to share?

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