How To Have Reassurance in Uncertain Times

Do you need reassurance in the uncertainty you’re facing? Let’s look to the One who puts your heart at ease.

As we are living in a post-pandemic world, we are still faced with a life that creates anxiety to rule in our hearts and minds. Besides what you are personally facing on a daily basis, the situation with the pandemic is still running strong while our country deals with the situation in Afghanistan, California fires, Hurricanes, and whatever follows next.

It’s enough to make even the most stable woman anxious and lose her hope. Are you struggling? Do you desperately need a strong dose of reassurance today?

Did You Lose Your First Love?

Are you doing all the right things for your family and doing lots of wonderful things in your church fellowship? Are you keeping your home clean (or not) and the fridge full of your kids’ favorite eats?

I’ve been doing all those things and sometimes (ok maybe often) my heart complains (instead of sings) about all that I am doing without anyone helping me. Sounds kind of like Martha but my point today isn’t about Mary’s sister.

It isn’t about keeping your home clean because in the long run that won’t really matter!

Because if you’re honest, your heart has been just a tad anxious about something that’s been happening lately. For me, it was because my son was at the Kabul airport sitting on a gun mount.

I was trusting God and think I (mostly) handled it fairly well. You may or may not be holding together in whatever you are facing each day. When I was younger, I was a mess. Totally a mess! So I ‘get’ it!

But here’s the thing that I found, I had lost my first love for Jesus!

Yes, I’ve been having my Quiet Time and even finding time to journal. But in all life’s uncertain times, I forgot one major thing that I want to share with you.

Reassurance is a Hard Thing to Come By!

Reassurance is a hard thing to come by in the middle of uncertainty. Sometimes we feel like we can’t quite find it, but there’s always hope when you seek it with your whole heart (Proverbs 3:5).

Mom, are you spending too much time reading the news? For the first time in my life, I downloaded a news app. I was too busy for the news until my son was deployed to Afghanistan. I started checking the headlines or reading an article in the middle of the night.

Sometimes when you are stressed by what’s happening with your kids or husband, it becomes easy to lose too much time on social networks. Time flies by before you realize how late it is.

It is almost impossible to find reassurance when you are feeding your anxieties from the wrong source.

If you are worried and filled with anxiety, and feeling like you’re not equipped to handle what life is throwing at you, I am here to help!

What if you could have peace in whatever you’re going through?

And not just a small amount, but a deep last sense of assurance that everything is going to be okay?

God can provide you with lasting reassurance in uncertain times when you need it most.

Find Your Place of Safety by Trusting God

When you need reassurance most is when you’re at the bottom. It may be your ‘Afghanistan’ or that your basement flooded yet again (real story in my past).

When you are feeling the most vulnerable, God can be counted on to show you how to find your place of safety when you rely on Him.

When my home was filled with action and sometimes chaos as we raised seven kids, I woke one morning to find our oldest son letting us know that there was 4 inches of water downstairs in our bi-level home.

It was early March and our house sat surrounded by springs. As the snow melted it was flooding into the house like a fast-flowing stream and the fat wet-vacuum hose could barely keep up. We fought to save our home and possessions.

I sat holding the hose that shook with the power of the water and a hymnbook resting on the ‘shoe’ shelf singing through the night. God gave me reassurance that even though everything might not turn out right, He would be with me if I “Simply Trusted” Jesus.

You find your place of safety by trusting God in your uncertain times.

How To Find Reassurance in the Book of Revelation

God never meant for us to be filled with anxiety even when terrible things are happening all around us. It can seem so hopeless and yet God wants to place hope in our hearts.

That is why I decided to turn to the Book of Revelation. Prophesy isn’t exactly my favorite thing to study and I am not really equipped or knowledgeable about Revelations.

But there is so much hope and reassurance to be found in this wonderful book if you approach it the right way. Jesus is all through it.

Revelation starts off by saying, “The revelation of Jesus Christ” (Revelation 1:1).

I am going on a search for Jesus as I read Revelation and as I look for Him, it will be exciting to see the hope in looking for Him to return for me!

Are you IN with me?

Blessed is the one who READS aloud the words of this prophecy, AND BLESSED are those who hear, AND who keep what is written it, FOR the TIME is NEAR. Revelation 1:1-3

Do you find that it’s difficult to carry on when it feels like your life is crumbling?

Uncertainty and fear are constant companions in these times of unrest both in personal problems, global unrest, natural disasters, and political upheaval. But for Jesus!

Jesus will give you reassurance in the uncertain times you are facing. There’s hope!

I am going to explore how to find reassurance by looking at the last book in the Bible. It will give me guidance in the midst of chaos because I will be assured that my Redeemer liveth and will fill me with peace that surpasses my understanding.

Will you join me in reading and journaling through the Book of Revelation?

I will be reading through the Book of Revelation and doing some Scripture Writing and Creative Journaling.

I will be sharing what I do along with devotional videos or tutorials in Jesus Journaling on Facebook.

I’d love to have you!

What are the most difficult uncertainties that you are facing right now? Do you have a prayer request that you would like to share?

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One Comment

  1. Great insights, Judith.
    “When you are feeling the most vulnerable, God can be counted on to show you how to find your place of safety when you rely on Him.”

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