Choosing ONE WORD For Your New Year Resolution

Choosing One-Word for your New Year’s Resolution will be the best choice you make for the coming year!

Listen to the short video explaining how to use the workbook to help you choose One Word, One Song, and One Verse to help you depend on God more in 2024!

Choosing ONE WORD for your New Year resolution is better than making promises you’ll break in a week. See how God can impact and direct you in the days and months ahead simply with one word.

If you’ve noticed your social feeds, you’ve seen how everyone is welcoming in the new year and happily waving goodbye to the last. The last few years have been unpresidentially more difficult for most of us.

Most people look to the future year hoping for life to go better for their family and business. No one wishes for bad times and we certainly don’t look for ways to deal with health, relational, or financial setbacks.

I have received countless emails about setting up my year for success through resolutions, by creating goals and plans using this planner or that system. None of them work for me.

Are you as tired as I am about making resolutions and plans for the coming year? I learned my lesson in 2020 when my planner sat dormant for three months while my life was shut down!

Are you looking for a new way to guide you into the New Year? It doesn’t matter what time of the year you read this. You can start fresh in May or June. Maybe you’d rather start over in September or after a major life event.

Resolutions Do Not Work!

There was a time when I faithfully sat down and made a list of resolutions each year. My intentions were good as I desired to be a better wife and mom. Who wouldn’t want that?!

New Year’s Eve has always been a time of deep spiritual searching in my heart.

But resolutions just do not work!

Within hours or days, every single resolution would be broken. Why? Because I am a broken woman who falls short of the grace of God.

Then about twelve years ago, I heard about choosing ONE WORD. Just simply ONE WORD!

It has been an amazing journey and one in which each year I experienced renewed strength and spiritual growth by simply choosing one word.

I wish I remembered what word I chose each year. They are in the notebooks where I wrote down the One Word I chose. Each word molded my year as the Lord was a huge part of its choice.

Resolutions don’t work because they rarely last. When something lasts, there must be a change of heart not a list of things to do!

What is One Word?

Choosing ONE WORD 365 was started by Elece in 2009 with the idea of forgetting New Year’s Resolutions and instead choosing One Word.

The whole idea is choosing one word that you can focus on every day, all year long. It’s one word that sums up who you want to be or how you want to live.

The amazing thing as a Believer is that you’re much more intentional and committed to the word you choose.

This word will shape how you respond to what happens during your year. God can use this word as you continue on your journey through life. It can become your compass that directs your decisions and guides each step you take.

Choosing One-Word

Choosing ONE WORD has been the most amazing thing I ever did each New Year. The Lord has used it to change me and help me focus more on Him than ever.

If you’ve never done this before, I encourage you to choose your word today!

  1. PRAY! First, pray and ask God to direct you in choosing ONE WORD to shape your New Year. This is deeper than choosing resolutions that you’ll forget or fail to accomplish. Your word will be precious through your successes and failures.
  2. READ YOUR BIBLE! Keep reading your Bible right where you’ve been reading. God used a verse I read to help me find my verse this year. You are reading your Bible, right?
  3. AWARENESS! As you read a book, listen to music, and even watch a movie . . . keep an awareness that you are looking for a word for your year.
  4. DREAM! Dream or brainstorm on a piece of paper and write ideas and combinations of words. In the past few years, I have chosen hyphenated words!
  5. ASK GOD! Double-check with God that this is the word He wants you to have for this year!


One Word Printable Pack!

  • 12 Pages!
  • Choose One Word!
  • Choose One Verse!
  • Choose One Song!
  • Start the New Year with God!

Keeping Your Focus on Your Word

Even choosing ONE WORD can backfire on you as it did for me this past year. I totally forgot my word until the year ended. That’s why I made up some printables that will help to remind me to remain focused on my word all year.

The years that I have stayed focused have been amazing in so many ways as I’ve grown to know God in a much deeper way.

  1. WRITE your WORD on the ONE WORD PRINTABLE PACK below and put it where you’ll see it daily!
  2. WRITE your WORD on the front of your journaling workbook each month so you see it daily!
  3. WRITE out every single Bible Verse related to your word and put it in your journal!
  4. SEE what the Lord will do in your life this year because of your word!
  5. PIN blog posts and Bible Studies on Pinterest that resonate with your word!
  6. Choose ONE VERSE for your year!
  7. Choose ONE SONG for your year!
  8. Grab your complimentary copy of the ONE WORD PRINTABLE PACK right now!


I’d love for you to subscribe to my channel!!

You’ll be amazed how choosing ONE WORD this year will allow God to transform your life into who He wants you to be.

It’s your turn to share what your ONE WORD for the coming New Year is in the comments below!


One Word Printable Pack!

  • 12 Pages!
  • Choose One Word!
  • Choose One Verse!
  • Choose One Song!
  • Start the New Year with God!

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