Living Fearlessly Because Your Hope is in God

There is something about writing a series on Living Fearlessly that challenges me to really think deeply about whether I am really living without fear. God has been exposing areas of my life where fear exists. Is that you too?

Living Fearlessly Because Your Hope is in God

For years I have been afraid that something would happen to my husband. Now that our children are grown and I am (hopefully) more mature, you’d think that fear would be gone.

BUT . . . it’s not!

It exposes my lack of trust in the Lord.

It shows me that I am trying to be the one controlling the wheel.

Not only do I have a fear issue but I also have a trust and control issue!

Fearlessly Trusting

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;

In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5

If something is holding you back from living fearlessly, make a list of some verses that will encourage you whenever your faith is weak and your anxiety high.

Commit your way to the Lord,
Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass. Psalm 37:5

I don’t need to be the one controlling the course my life will take when I totally trust God. He knows each day in my future and cares deeply about me. He will take care of me.

You can have this same reassurance too!

You are Redeemed!

Are you redeemed?

Do you know where you will spend eternity? You will spend it somewhere!

But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob,
And He who formed you, O Israel:
“Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by your name;
You are Mine. Isaiah 43:1

This verse is so comforting when I am not living fearlessly. It readjusts my perspective and places it back on the Lord.

  • He created You!
  • He formed you exactly as you are!
  • He says, “Fear not!”
  • He reminds you that you are redeemed!
  • He calls you by YOUR name!
  • He says, “You ARE mine!

You are precious to God!

Living Fearlessly Because Your Hope is in God


You Have a Future and a Hope!

You can live fearlessly when you trust God for your future. He will give you a future and a hope!

I really shouldn’t be worrying about something fatal happening to my husband because if it does, God will take care of my future. I have a wonderful hope in knowing that!

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

When you claim a verse like this and write it down in your journaling notebook so you will remember it, you can come back and read it again.

You might get victory over an area of fear and then ‘take it back!’ That is why journaling the verse is such a blessing because you can read it again and allow God to get you back on track!

Living fearlessly because Christ has redeemed you! ~Judith Kowles~

When I am not living fearlessly, it affects me emotionally and I can say things that are not pleasing to God.

When I become overly concerned about my husband, I can be too controlling about him taking care of his health. Fear can create anxiety which can produce all of the wrong motives in how we love someone!

The more I study how to live fearlessly, the more I see how fear moves into worry and anxiety. Then my trust in God faulters as “I” take the reigns!

An angel suddenly appearing will cause fear! Samson’s mother (Mrs. Manoa) experienced the visit of an angel.

Then the woman came and told her husband, “A man of God came to me, and His appearance was like the appearance of the Angel of God, very awesome. I did not ask him where He was from, and He did not tell me His name, Judges 13:6

In Judges 13, Mrs. Manoah (the mother of Sampson) was visited by the Angel of the LORD.

Did you know who the Angel of the LORD is?

He is Jesus!

She did not question His identity or origin as her husband Manoah did.

She trusted all the Angel told her and put her trust in God.

My Hope is in God

A few years ago when I experienced devastation in my life because of choices that one of my children made, I got to the point where God lifted me above the situation and gave me hope.

In the natural (wo)man, I live in fear but in Christ, I am living fearlessly and my hope is in God.

As the song says, My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ and righteousness.

Another song reminds me that my hope is in Jesus and over and over again has lifted me up out of the mire and put me on Solid ground.

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you: Isaiah 26:3-4

Are you living fearlessly because your hope is in God? How can you trust Him more?

The Living Fearlessly Bible Reading Plan printable

demonstrates how to walk in courage

and God’s strength during these trying and uncertain times.

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