Why You Need A Grocery List

Do you rush out the door with your grocery list hastily scribbled on a scrap of paper? I used to make my grocery list from the menu I created each week for my family.

BUT . . . then I got away from that practice because I got too busy writing for my blog. I didn’t have time to do what would save me an incredible amount of time!

Why You Need A Grocery List

Not that many years ago, mom-life at my home was over-the-top busy with homeschooling and cooking everything from breakfast to suppers for seven growing kids.

I won’t lie. It wasn’t easy.

I wanted to be the Proverbs 31 woman and tried to do it all. I did find that it wasn’t possible even with all the gadgets and cooking devices we now have.

I wish the Insta Pot had been around a few years back. It would have put my #Proverbs31WannaBe life on steroids!

I had an awesome system and I needed to at least create a new grocery list.

The Problem of Not Having A Grocery List

  • No Plan!
  • Grocery shopping by memory does NOT work!
  • Frequently forgetting to buy items!
  • Failed attempts at visualizing my fridge!
  • Daily scrambling (not eggs) for new menu ideas!
  • Running out of items!

When I run out of something or forget to buy it at the store, it’s a major problem!

Thing is that Walmart is a half-hour away and the grocery store is not that close either. It’s not like I have the time to just hop in the car and pick up forgotten food.

Even if it’s a mile away for you, are you really being a good steward of your time when you often have to make an emergency run to the store?

So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. Colossians 1:10

We are to use our time in a way that is honoring to God. Even becoming too lax with my grocery shopping habits had become a problem.

I decided to set aside a whole day to regroup and collect new recipes, make a menu for the week, and create a grocery list.

What a huge difference this made at the store.

Taking a huge block of time to start doing my kitchen planning again will save me time in the long run as I rotate my menu and grocery lists for each week.

An Editable Master Grocery List

Over the years it has been frustrating to print someone else’s grocery list. Not all of the items on the list are what our family will eat. That is why making my own list has always worked best.

That is why I made a new list last weekend.

Download FREE Grocery List #1 


Download FREE FILL-in-the-BLANK Grocery List #2


Download FREE EDITABLE Grocery List #3


I am sharing my list with you but you will probably have the same problem.

That is why I am sharing a grocery list with you that is an editable PDF! How awesome is that?!

What this means is that you can use my list exactly as is by downloading and printing it off.

OR better yet, you can type in the form the groceries that you will buy and use.

This is so exciting!

How to Use Time that a Grocery List Creates

Do you have a daily Quiet Time with Jesus?

Have you ever felt frazzled while reading your Bible because your mind won’t be still?

When your life is cluttered, your mind is frazzled and it can be almost impossible to focus on God’s Word. Ask me how I know.

I love to Bible journal which is creatively illustrating using a verse from the passage I read. When I am functioning in overload it is really difficult to come into the presence of the Lord.

I am working on simplifying other areas of my home-life because it has so much to do with glorifying God in everything I do.

Every moment of my life counts. I will have to account for every minute.

A cluttered life isn’t productive let alone productive for God.

A grocery list is such a simple thing yet so important. I hope you consider downloading my editable grocery list so you will save time in the long run for God’s glory.

We are daughters of the King and putting into practice a few Proverbs 31 things sure will benefit your family!

Do you write your grocery list on your phone, a scrap of paper, an envelope, or on a printable form?

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