Strength and Courage in Jesus

Is your courage missing when your life gets difficult?

You can put on strength and courage in Jesus when you’re stressed by finding encouragement through these verses to help through difficult times.


Strength & Courage in Jesus

We are given a promise from God in Joshua 1:9 that is key to putting on strength and courage in Jesus. When you are weary of your life or have been weary in well-doing for everyone around you, how can you move that point to one of victory in Jesus?

The Backstory in Joshua 1:1-6


Moses had been leading the Israelites through the wilderness and now Joshua is ready to lead them into the Promised Land. God is speaking and assuring Joshua of His presence as he leads the Israelites into the Promised Land.


. . . as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you.  Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them. Joshua 1:5-6


God Promises Strength and Courage


First of all, this is not a promise in Joshua 1:6 that God only gives to Joshua.

God often repeats Himself as He does in the following verse.


Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9


How do we know that this is also a promise to you and me?

God repeats this promise in Isaiah 41:10 where it is broadened out to include the reader.


Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ Isaiah 41:10


Isn’t that comforting?

These verses on prayer will strengthen and give you courage in whatever you are facing today. You’ll also get help for setting up a morning and quiet time routines (and so much more) when you get your Starter Guide!


God Commands You to Have Courage


Over and over again through God’s Word to you, He reassures you that He is with you and will never leave you.

He commands you . . .

  • Do NOT be frightened
  • Do NOT be afraid
  • Have courage

As women, there are so many things that bring stress and fear into our hearts and minds.

When stress and anxiety are not handled correctly they can cause all sorts of damage in our bodies. We can get so stressed that we can feel it moving through our veins.

Clearly, God doesn’t want you to stress because He has told you over and over NOT to fear and NOT to be afraid.

There are things we lack in our society like gut health, proper diet, and often we don’t get the exercise that our great-grandmothers did on the farm. There are things we can do to lessen our fear and worry but the bottom line is that God has the answers in these verses.

God Repeats His Commands for Courage


Do you wonder whether you can apply phrases like “the God of Abraham” or “the God of Jacob” to yourself?

In Christ, you are an offspring of Abraham. If you are a Gentile like I am, that question may have gone through your mind.

Yes, verses with those phrases are meant for you too!


Through Christ, we are made His chosen people who have the same inheritance as God’s chosen Jewish people. It is only through accepting Christ and not because you are born into a particular race. Romans 11:11-24


In Jesus, all the promises are made to be a “Yes” and they are written for us even though we are living in the 21st century!!


For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us. 2 Coriinthians 1:20


We Have Strength and Courage Because of Jesus


So many are going through trials and are weary but there is hope for you!

  • BECAUSE – The Lord will give you strength!
  • BECAUSE – The Lord will give you courage!
  • BECAUSE – The Lord your God is WITH YOU wherever you go!


When you know that God will give you strength and courage, you know it is NOT from you and you cannot boast in yourself.

  • You are strong in the strength that God supplies!
  • You don’t ever need to be dismayed!
  • Depression is out!

It is a Call to Faith!!


A strength that has been purchased for us through Jesus Christ.

You are not going to be puffed up if God is the one giving you the strength.

Your end, your goal is to live in the strength and courage each day so that God gets the glory!

I have been through some incredibly discouraging years and continually find these verses to be so encouraging.

I walk in grace and not perfection as I didn’t always walk in God’s strength or even have the courage that God commands me to have.

It is for you that I am sharing this so that you can find your way out of your predicament a little easier.


Your situation will probably not change entirely but I can reassure you that when you put on God’s strength and courage you will walk in the victory of Jesus Christ!!


Even though you read how to put on strength and courage, often it helps to have someone come alongside you to encourage you. 

Grace-Filled Living Starter Guide

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