Why You Are Not Enough

Are you down in the trenches fighting for stability in whatever you are facing in your life? It can lead you into the pit of inadequacy where you end up feeling you are not enough!

Moms carry a huge responsibility in their families and homes. You probably deal with overwhelm on an almost daily basis as you try to do your best for your family.

But too often you fall flat on your face and fail!

Raising littles . . . or teenagers a few years later can be daunting at best. Dealing day in and day out with a difficult marriage, finances in our current world, or cancer can be hard battles to face.

I don’t know what your situation or struggles are, only you know. What I do know is that my deepest desire is to encourage you to seek the face of Jesus with all your heart.

If this isn’t you, stop reading.

We are not promised easy lives just because we are following Christ hard. in fact, too often life throws a curve ball and we end up in left field.

If your Christian life is a breeze and you have no idea what I’m talking about, I’ll not be hurt if you stop reading.

If this resonates with you, I’m praying that you find even one thing here that will help you to keep on with Jesus.

It’s easy to get so discouraged that you stop reading your Bible.

Grab a bag of chips or chocolate and binge-eat the pain away.

That’s really not the answer!

That’s why I’m going to read (again) Made To Crave, Satisfying Your Deepest Desire With God, Not Food by Lysa TerKeurst.

You Are Not Enough?

If you scroll through social media or type in ‘you are enough’ you’ll have all kinds of solutions pop onto your screen. No matter how inadequate you’re feeling at the moment or how much you’ve failed in your responsibilities in life, you’ll be told you are enough.

We live in a culture where anything goes. It’s fine to be a hot mess.

There are no absolutes anymore and no matter how far down you’ve fallen, it’s okay.

You are enough!

It doesn’t matter what I read or listen to when I’m feeling inadequate, if I do not find the right solutions, I will still come up short.

Deep in my heart I know, I am not enough!

No affirmation will change my thinking if I do not do the right thing.

What about you?

When you lay your head on your pillow at night and think over your day, or over your past, are you still dealing with a heavy heart because you know you are not enough?

It does get better. I promise!!

Focusing on Yourself is Not Enough

As busy moms continually serving our families, we are told to spend time on self-care.

Focus on yourself!

Why? Because you are enough! You’ll feel better by focusing on you. You deserve it!

And I get it. Every single day I do spend time by myself regrouping and preparing for my day.

The thing that is ‘off’ is self-focus!

The only way to get past the feeling that you are not enough is to focus on things above.

To focus on Jesus! Not yourSELF!

You’ll never get past your struggles when your focus is on YOU.

That promotes selfishness instead of others-ness.

When I get like that, I’m feeling STUCK in the kitchen or STUCK doing ALL the housework.

I’m not serving my family when I’m grumling in my heart or complaining audibly to them.

So, let’s set our eyes on Jesus!

Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2

Why You Are Not Enough!

Recently a couple situations happened that caused me struggle in an area where I had previously had victory. Satan finds pleasure in distacting and discouraging faithful moms who desire to follow Jesus.

If Satan can discourage you, he has won in making you ineffective for Christ!

Have you ever faced a trial you already faced?

Sin you had already confessed and done your best to make right?

You can end up in endless battles in your thoughts meandering to your past. Sinareos you cannot change but wish you could.

No matter how many times you replay them in your mind you’ll never be able to change them because they are events of your past.

You know you aren’t enough but you desperately want to change that. Keep reading, I’ll share how!

If you’re like me, these thoughts can be dibilitating, discouraging, depressing, and can lead to all sorts of assumptions and imaginations.

BUT here is why you are not enough . . .

When things happen and I meet up with my inadequacies, I am reminded of my desperate need for Jesus.

I am nothing without Jesus living in and through my life.

I want to be perfect like Jesus but there have (and still are) ways that I have failed my husband and kids.

If I were able to pull off a perfect life, I still would desperately need Jesus to save me. Thing is that I might not see how much I needed him. I would be relying on myself.

There is no way for anyone to get to heaven because of all the good things they did in life.

The ONLY WAY to get to heaven and experience eternal life is through Jesus.

He died on the cross for you and me.

Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:5-11

Why you are not enough? Because you fall short of the glory of God.

You are enough when Jesus is living IN you.

Jesus deeply cares about what you are going through and is your MIGHTY COUNSELOR! (Isaiah 9:6)

The Right Kind of Affirmations!

Have you been encouraged to listen to an affirmations app on your phone? I’m sure that’s a great way to get your thinking going in the right direction.

A big part of what you might be facing can be changed when you start renewing your mind. There is scientific evidence that proves how this helps our tangled minds to rewire our thoughts.

When I am struggling with my thoughts, like during the last few weeks, my solution is turning to Jesus before my thoughts turn into actions. That is the progression that thoughts take.

If Satan can get you thinking wrong, he can distract you from walking close to Jesus. Like I said earlier, that will make you ineffectual.

That is why I decided to create a list of Bible verses to focus on when I am feeling I am not enough!

These verses focus on God’s GOODNESS when you fail.

Get your free download here or by clicking the graphic.

What to Do When You Fail!

When you fail, or when you are rehearsing fails in your past, focusing on Jesus Christ and the truth in His Word will give you the victory!

I am writing out each of these verses (and sometimes the verses in the surrounding passage). I cannot tell you how much this is renewing my mind!

Jesus IS enough!

You ARE enough IN Jesus and not through anything you’ve ever done or not done right.

God’s Goodness Is Enough!

God’s goodness IS enough and because of that I am sharing with you the You Are Enough Journaling Workbook.

Using this journaling workbook will help you experience God’s goodness when you fail.

You will LOVE this amazing 40-page journaling workbook for your Quiet Time with Jesus.

You will get:

  • You Are Enough Bible Reading Plan!
  • Matthew Bible Reading Plan!
  • 28-day Psalm Bible Reading Plan!
  • Journaling Pages!
  • Scripture Printables!
  • One Word Pages to help choose your Word!
  • And so so much more!

Sitting down to spend time with Jesus each morning is the best way ever of working through issues that are bothering your mind and soul.

God’s affirmations of ALL that He has done for you are the best ever!

Still wondering if this is for you? Watch the video HERE or click the video link below!

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